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Part 1

Systems Inc., entered into a formal agreement with Big Bank, to implement their conversion from the recent acquisition of Small Bank. The contract and the formal agreements were comprehensibly made in an amicable environment, where the management of Big Bank was provided confidence that their tasks will be handled in a professional and efficient manner. As per this understanding Systems Inc., team started the work on the project even before the contractual date as a sign of good faith and the sign for the future relations between the two organizational entities. The initial performances of Systems Inc., shows the commitment of the company towards the contractual provisions, and the expertise of the date conversion team. Both of the companies were able to perform the 4 of the total 6 conversions without facing any issues, and within the adequate timeline.

The primary dilemma occurred in the completion of the most difficult tasks of the conversion processes, which was the 5th part. The data conversion of the mortgage portfolio suffered the most dilemmas, as it required the highest complexity and a string communicational link between Big Bank and Systems Inc. They were several issues which resulted in the delay of the project and the issues on both of the parties, however through a critical analysis of the environmental and the contractual agreement it can be identified that the majority of these issues were not caused by the negligence or incompetence of Systems Inc (Wilkinson-Ryan & Baron, 2009). Rather they occurred due to a break in the communicational link between the two stakeholders and the unavoidable circumstances. Te most important factor to consider in these issues is that they can be easily resolved through the better communication and a conscious effort by both Big Bank and Systems Inc. The positive results obtained by Systems Inc., in the initial part of the project and also during the challenging scenario prove that the company is more than capable of handling the data conversion requirements of Big Bank. The real factors that led to the dilemmas in the ongoing process will be adequate highlighted and they would be analyzed in light of the provisions of the contract between the two organizational entities. This analysis would help both of the parties involved to highlight the actual factors that caused the majority of the dilemma, and clear the issues so that the contractual agreement can be maintained.

The Conversion Format

One of the major issues that occurred in the data conversion process was the dilemma in the format of the provided data. The data that was to be converted in the specified format was provided in a different form as what was communicated earlier by Big Bank. These issues caused the Systems Inc., team to face an issue which they did not have an adequate amount of time to prepare for; hence they had to take an additional amount of time to resolve this concern (Levy et Al, 2013). This unprecedented format related issue caused a ...
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