Project # 01

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Project # 01


This paper describes the Inventory Management System sufficiently to determine the feasibility and usability of a finished system. The core concept is to track the sale of items from the cash registers with additional features for interpreting the data. It uses a client-server model with a connected database to allow multiple stores and warehouses to be connected. This allows for later expansion while still supporting the targeted small businesses. The core features and final framework completed within 2 weeks, leaving 5 weeks to implement additional features and testing.

Project # 01


MVI B, 06

//Load Register B with the Hex value 06


//Move the value in B to the Accumulator or register A

MVI C, 07

//Load the Register C with the second number 07


//Add the content of the Accumulator to the Register C

STA 8200

//Store the output at a memory location e.g. 8200


//Stop the program execution

LDA 8500

//Load the accumulator with the address of memory viz 8500


Move the accumulator value to the register B

LDA 8501

//Load the accumulator with the address of memory viz 8501


//Add the content of the Accumulator to the Register B

STA 8502

//Store the output at a memory location e.g. 8502

MVI A, 00

//clear the accumulator with 00


//Add with carry the content of the accumulator

STA 8503

//Store the output at a memory location e.g. 8503


//Stop the program execution

jmp start ;jump to code skipping data

;data starts here

port1: equ 9h

data: equ 7fh

var1: db data, 0 ;like - 7fh, 0

;code starts here

start: lxi h, var1 ;load var1 address in HL pair for addressing

mov a, m ;load contents of var1 in reg A (i.e. 7fh in A)

out port1 ;send contents of reg A to port 9h

in port1 ;read from port1 and store value in reg A

sta var1+1 ;store contents of reg A in memory location var+1 (next to 7fh!)

hlt ;halt execution


Objective of the Study

Inventories constitute the principal item in the working capital of the majority of trading and industrial companies. In inventory, we include raw materials, finished goods, work in progress, supplies and other accessories. To maintain the continuity in the operations of business enterprise, a minimum stock of inventory required (Baitler, 2003).

However, the physical control of inventory is the operating responsibility of stores superintendent and financial personnel have nothing to do about it but the financial control of these inventories in all lines of activity in which they comprise a substantial part of the current assets is a frequent problem in the management of working capital. Management of inventory is designed to regulate the volume of investment in goods on hand, the types of goods carried in stock to meet the needs of production and sales while at the same time, the investment in them is to kept at a reasonable level.

Meaning of inventory

Inventory is the physical stoke of goods maintained in an organization for ...
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