Program Development And Improvement

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Program Development and Improvement

Program Development and Improvement

Task A - Develop Job Description

Selection, induction and retention of qualified nursing faculty have become one of the prime concerns of all the healthcare organizations across the globe. Below discussed are the JD requirements of a nursing faculty applicant. The prospective nursing faculty will be hired for BSN program, where they will be in a position to assist the nursing coordinators to carry out practical nursing under the category of medical/surgical program.

Position Requirements

Eligibility requirements of interested candidates for the post are as follows:


Master's degree in nursing or academic status equivalent to (ASC Nursing Faculty Handbook, 2010):

BSN in nursing education with graduated degree in the relevant area of responsibilities

BSN in nursing education with a documented plan to obtain graduate degree in nursing

Professional Experience

Professional knowledge and experience of the clinical field with minimum two years' tenure

Two and a half years experience in teaching and supervising or equivalent experience in nursing program

Skills and Abilities Required

Ability to collaborate and work in teams

Established interpersonal skills and passion to work as a professional

Exhibit strong communication (verbal and non-verbal) skills

Achievements and Recognitions

Bright academic background (such as scholarship holder, academic recognitions and rewards)

Eligible to earn Registered Nursing License of the state

Teaching certification from renowned nursing and healthcare institutions

Position Responsibilities

Eligible candidates will be expected to demonstrate and fulfill the following job responsibilities on the applied position (ASC Nursing Faculty Handbook, 2010):

Capable to teach students for 12 credit hours during the offered semester system

Provide competent knowledge and information of the theoretical and clinical discipline of nursing

Promote quality standard of education and clinical experience

Design team-based activities and learning lessons that assist students in clinical courses

Act as a role model for students by marinating a professional interaction and a tone of communication with peers and colleagues in the clinical facility and healthcare setting

Supervise nursing coordinators in the classroom and curriculum content scheduling

Guide nursing coordinators in developing and corroborating the use of clinical sites

Observe, document and submit concrete records of the classroom learning, such as absences, notifying the course dropping information to the respective office, and grades

Become an active member of the faculty by participating in student development activities and program improvement tasks

Task B - Process of Candidate Selection

Online application forms and placement of opening vacancies at different colleges will be a consistent activity on the organizational network (Hunter, 2008). The recruitment committee will screen the applications based on the defined eligibility criterion. Moreover, the process of candidate selection will be divided into several steps to ensure well screened and talent based induction of potential candidates. Selection process may comprise of:


The screened candidates will be scheduled for an interview with the recruiting committee within the facility through phone or e-mail

Interviews will be conducted in a face-to-face interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee

Employment Conversation

Short listed candidates from the first step of recruitment will be called for job talk with a committee of members from the clinical and educational field of experience

The conversation will be focused on prospective candidate's view of the offered position, his/her work philosophy, and scenario based analysis of candidate's ...
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