Program Development

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Program Development

Program Development Planning for Adult Education

[Name of the Author]

Program Development Planning for Adult Education

Introduction and Purpose

Society is made of people. People are bound to live their lives with innate traits, skills and living standard, if not exposed to education system. Education plays vital role in the development of our personality. It helps us in changing our perception, behavior and attitude to make our lives better. Education revamps the thought process of individuals and make them contributing member of the society. There many people in our society who remain unprivileged for getting adequate education facilities throughout their lives. These members of society remain unproductive or work at much lower capacity, for which they are capable of achieving. To contribute in the area of education, I have chosen to develop adult learning program where they will be provided with guidelines in pursing their educational career. The main purpose of this paper is to develop and deliver the program for adult education. The program is delivered in by providing one to one counseling to underprivileged women. The program is aimed at enhancing the awareness of education, and benefits reaped on individual and collective level.

Aims and Strategy

The foremost objective of choosing one-to-one counseling program and workshops is to promote the importance of education in society. Our society is comprised of people who are deprived from basic educational facilities and are unable to obtain better jobs opportunity. The aim of developing and implementing the program is not only to create awareness, but it leads to provide recommendation for the implementing the program. I have chosen one-to-one method for implementation of program.

The main rationale behind choosing the topic of adult education program , is negligence of adult education in the educational field. Adult education is a very important topic, but people belonging to the educational field are not paying much attention, which is the prime reason that adult education topic is chosen for this program. There is a great role of education in the success of a society (Johnson-Bailey & Cervero, 1997,pp. 41-50).The education helps in increasing the progress and the greatness of a society (Andrews, 1997, p. 71). Adult education is also one of the factors of education having very positive impact on the society. This is the reason that adult education is considered to be a very important educational element. The illiteracy rate in the world is continuously increasing; therefore, there is a great need that the adult education should be promoted (Wilson, 1996, p. 13). The adult education is very essential for the society to be adopted because it is considered to powerful auxiliary. Adult education is also a very important incentive for the primary education. It is thought that the universal education cannot gain the fruitful results without the contributions and active support of the adults.

Thus, it can be said that adult education is a necessary factor to be considered in the educational field and the difficulties faced by the societies in terms of increased illegal acts, violence ...
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