Professional Standards In Healthcare

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Professional Standards in Healthcare


Pharmacy technicians are the health care professionals having responsibility to help pharmacists for the provision of best possible care and improving the quality of life of the patients. The principles of this code that is applied to the pharmacy technicians and all setups are based on the support and application of the ethical responsibilities that serve as guidelines for the profession of pharmacy in relation with health care professionals, patients and society.As we know that the people who are associated with the health care profession play a vital role in the promotion of public health. Traditionally, physicians or the health care providers directly focus on altering the individual patient's behavior as well as on the prevention of disease for promoting health. Pharmacy Technician plays an indirect role that supports the other health care providers. The purpose of Pharmacist and pharmacy technician encompasses several aspects that give a holistic insight into this profession (General pharmacy Council, 2010). These include promotion and maintenance of health, by counseling the patients and guiding about the proper use of their medications. While prescribing the medicine to patients physician do not usually take care regarding drug interactions, or the previous condition of patient, because they are confined to diagnose the present complain of the patient (AAPTCE, 2003). So, here Pharmacist plays a vital role. They check the prescription and match that with the health record of the patient. If they found any kind of error, they intimately inform the physician and discuss the scenario. To check a large amount of prescriptions with respect to individual patient record, need a lot of time plus concentration daily. Pharmacist cannot perform such functions alone in an efficient manner, they need assistance, Pharmacy technician are the best option for it because they have sound knowledge regarding optimum utilization ...
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