Professional Role

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Professional Role

Professional Role


Nursery assistants are considered to be one of the major personnel involved in carrying out the duties in healthcare profession. I am also a nursery assistant trying to master the art of being a successful nurse. I am working in child minder department from last 7 years. It's my privilege that I have a capacity to provide extra and special safety to children. I am registered as a post of child minder which has appreciation for me with this designation. My basic work is to provide high quality care, protection and clean environment. My significant responsibility is to maintain and planning the programs and record keeping for the patients. The framework is to take care about children physical, social and interpersonal skills which are effectual for nourishing their personality. This activity would enhance my capabilities and skills (E105 professional practice).

I am a director of the company, and also I'm company SENCO, child protection officer and health and safety officer. I've been at Pathways for seven years, and I, before I started at Pathways I'd had my children, who are now 16 and 17, and I had no formal training at all to do with childcare (Casey, 2011).



The role of leadership in the case of nursery assistant is of the utmost importance as a number of factors associated with leadership are also practiced extensively by nursery assistants. My job as a nursing assistant requires me to deal with children falling in the age bracket of 0-7 years. I work in the nursing homes as children require constant attention. Nursery assistants are required to perform their duties within the home and do not have to travel to hospitals. Nursery assistants must deal with the tantrums of children in a patient manner as any harsh attitude would be a significant barrier in their relationship with the children. Nursery assistants are prone to reflecting and analyzing their job duties for successfully shaping developments in the future practices.


The charismatic quality is at first priority because every leadership requires full captivating quality that helps to boost the leadership skills from every angle. This may help the department leader to work with the strong process and provide their best at every angle. The leaders of any department must have compelling quality that defines make them significant amongst other people. The nursery assistants scrutinizes every work at each perspective and tries to take the best option for the department. In the above scenario, the assistant manager of noses has responsibility to cater the administrative work including planning ad designing the reject of department, and she is also involved in working for the nourishment of children. Besides this she has a capacity of leading their responsibilities in a group work. The first quality is always approachable for implementing innovation and change in the department. It must be effective for wider community. There are several strengths points that have obtained by improving on the quality of leadership activity (Quinn, ...