Professional Portfolio

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Professional Portfolio

Professional Portfolio

Clinical Critical Incident Description

The Professional Portfolio would cove the example of Clinical Critical Incident Description; Identification of the Concept and Reflection along with analysis would also be carried out of the incident. The Clinical Critical Incident Case would cover the case related to the patient. The patient in his fifties was struck by a car. Though, he did not have any injury to the head, chest or spine but he was admitted to ICU because of the hypovolaemic shock that also resulted to abdominal bleeding. The patient suffered orthopaedic injuries that also included the extensive fractures in the legs and also in the tendon. The author of this Critical Incident first met the patient when he was shifted to the high dependency unit (HDU) attached to the ICU. The patient remained admitted in the ICU for around three months because of the complications that needed an exploratory laparotomy to prevent the bleeding.

At the day when the author took good care of him, the patient had a tracheotomy in situ. He breathed spontaneously but the airway needed regular suctioning. He remained conscious and faced problems to communicate with people but did not respond to the environment. There was significance reduced movement in the body parts because of the critical condition. The incident took place when the author returned to work after availing annual leaves. The patient was then shifted to the orthopaedic ward in the previous afternoon from the HDU. The patient was admitted to ICU again because of experiencing a respiratory arrest in the ward. In the first case, the medical staff was a bit frustrated because their hard work for the patient in the ICU and HDU appeared to be wasted. The staff at ICU had spent around several weeks for taking care of the patient with the help of intensive nursing and medical care. Though, the patient's condition deteriorated again and the condition was similar to the one in the past. It is a fact that the patient's condition remained stable for many days before getting discharged from the hospital. The medical staff had a concern that the family might feel that the patient was discharged prematurely and it happened because of the negligence from the hospitals.

The desire for blaming someone else especially the ward staff would be an easy target. The exercise of reflection under such situations carries the potential for harm because the reflector would need to confront challenges of other people. This might also lead to a conflict with the peers because of the new insight on reflection. The new insight on the reflection also leads to an advantage due to the potential for providing better quality care. The one or two negative clinical experiences like the above accident can also make people very frustrated and angry at the healthcare system. The inability to meet the needs of the people certainly disappoints people and also leads to a lot of anger towards the healthcare ...
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