Professional Organization

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Professional organization

Professional Organization

Professional Organizational Assignment

Q1- What is the mission (purpose or goal) of the professional organization?

"Maximizing shareholder value" and "profit maximization"

Visionary companies have a lot of different goals. Making profits is only one of them, and not the most important one. Visionary companies are led by a core ideology, what means a pattern of different values and sense of purpose beyond just making profits. Yet, surprisingly, despite of their core ideology, visionary companies are often more successful in gaining profits than profit-driven comparison companies.Core values of visionary companies have remained intact since the foundation of the company and have served as a guiding beacon for decades, like an enduring star on the horizon.

Only employees who fit well with the core identity and traditional standards of visionary companies will find great satisfaction at their company. An employee will either fit and flourish or will get a virus for the company. There is no middle ground. Because of their special core values visionary companies do not give room for employees who are unwilling or unable to adopt the values.

Q2- Does it post information on ethics, and if so, what are some of its stated values?

Ans. The successful means of visionary companies consist of experimentation, trial, error, opportunism, and accident. "Let us just try a lot of stuff and keep what works." Charles Darwin´s Origin of Species can much better explain the success of visionary companies than strategic planning. Visionary companies mainly concentrate on improving themselves and not on beating competitors. Visionary companies ask themselves: " How can we improve ourselves to do better tomorrow than we did today?" Visionary companies never think that they have done enough. They permanently try to improve their performance and want to reach several objectives simultaneously.

Q3- How does membership in this organization support people in their ...
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