Professional Nursing - Reflective Journal

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Professional Nursing - Reflective Journal

Professional Nursing - Reflective Journal

Part B

Exploration and consider what was done well in this incident/event and what

could have been done better. Explore your thoughts/views on the role of those in leadership in this incident/event.

Critical evaluation is needed regarding nature of information by establishing a safe and ethical culture when a emergency unit patient regarding treatment and illness.Priorityzing the management in respect to quality is main responsibility of a nurse, showing my focus on the routine as well as cahllanging procedures, under moral code of nursing during professional learning was crucial as a beginner/fresh professional in this case. Ethics is an area, where specialized standards are followed, issues related to medication for critical patients, and making correct decisions related to post care is essential. Following good treatment procedures and collaborating with other health professionals is important to analyze serious cases..

For the treatment procedures, it is an imporatnt task of a nurse by the help of health professionals to follow medication reconciliation in every phase. This should be done by following 5 steps as aprofessional i.e. history should be well followed,proper comparison of medications,correct clinical deceision for treatment,communicating well to omit errors.

By avoiding the errors such as drug-drug interactions and improper medication regarding different diseases. Studies propose that good campaining of drug reactions can help professionals to make informed decisions.. Normally patients are admitted in the hospital via emergency and the process to gather,communicate and organize medication history is a haphazard process and duplication of data occurs because three main professionals are handling the patient i.e nurse,doctor and paramedical staff. Therefore,standard drug reconciliation should be properly followed with comprehensive information regarding drug.Maintaining standard opereating procedure. In this case medical inventory should be properly endorsed and followed because of cross drug reactions (NCPDNM, 2005).

For this purpose proper data base system should be maintained like prescription history, pharmacy profile, drug resistance and drug reaction profile.Generally, professionals overlook medication history for drug reactions when combined with other medications causing serious effects. Especially, when patients are changed from intensive care to to general wards new prescriptions are written and discontinued.

By developing and maintaining collegial associations' nurses can use a wide range of effective contact strategies and interpersonal skills by the help of his professional team mates. By discussing and reviewing the calarificetion of drug prescriptions.As a leading team member f a team one must clearly idendify and follow responsibilities while giving prescriptions to patients.The evaluating processes include:providing proper location of prescribed drugs in the patients chart, to determine one person to maintain prescription history and new drug prescriptions.Trainnings should be designed for new drugs and cross reactions of multiple drug administration ensuring skills and knoeledge are up to date (NCCMERP, 2007).

In the code of ethics, a client is a person with whom the nurse is occupied in a therapeutic relationship (for example, in the practice settings where family-centered care occurs).

To make thcorrect decision related tgo ongoing care by the help of peer support groups to gain knowledge ...
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