Professional Development Plan

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Professional Development Plan

Professional Development Plan


Today, the environmental organizations are experiencing a difficult time due to fear of a blackout caused by bottlenecks in professional education, which can not form skilled labor in the amount that the market demand (Stiles, Loucks-Horsley, Mundry, Hewson & Love, 2009). For this, companies will have to contribute even more in training this workforce. At present there is no organization great as excellence comes from the work and commitment of people and these are continually evolving. No organization is safe, because the challenge of renovations are constant and happen more frequently than we imagined.


To minimize this impact companies will have to rethink their business based on the structure of its basic policy: Mission, Vision and Values. This is the first step to start any kind of project in the company (Calderhead, Denicolo & Day, 2012). The basic policy should be clearly understood, accepted and supported by the organization's employees. The plan professional development that will have a major contribution in the area of HR, the team member should follow these steps:

1 - Identify personal and professional skills for short and long term based on its mission, vision, strategy, policies and objectives;

2 - Identify skills currently available in the organization;

3 - identify gaps between what is available, the time that is required and may be in the future;

4 - Implement actions to improve and / or acquire skills;

5 - Evaluate the effectiveness;

6 - Maintain the skills acquired.

Every organization that maintains a professional development plan will certainly have great achievements in their business.

Recommended Approach for Individual Development of Team Members

The Individual Development Plan should be built to develop each employee individually, to meet the strategic needs of its position, the organization and / or personal. It is an important means for the career development of employees and aims to align the company's expectations for the professional.

A good Individual Development Plan must first have a goal set for the professional know where the team member is and where he/she going. Must be flexible and broad to provide self-criticism about possibilities, limits, points that need to be developed and points that should be kept (Desimone, 2009). The second step is to conduct a detailed diagnosis, to identify personal characteristics, training, experience, skills, performance and areas for improvement.

From the goal and diagnosis, the Individual Development Plan is prepared, showing the points to be developed and suggested actions for that item, which can be: small activities to be implemented on a daily basis; projects that should participate; experiences that must have in their own area or another, talk with professionals, benchmarks and development actions formal or informal, like watching a video that addresses an issue that he needs to develop or open training market, in schools or in the institution.

Recommended Approach for Team Development

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