Professional Development For Strategic Managers

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Unit 2: Professional Development for Strategic Managers

Task 1

What are the appropriate methods to evaluate personal skills? Evaluate your personal skills to meet your future goal.

Methods to Evaluate Personal Skills

Making use of a career assessment program is one of the best ways to evaluate personal skills in managers. Research demonstrates considerable evidence in support of the same. Not only does it help mangers to identify their core competencies and skills but has also resulted in an enhanced behaviour at the organizational level. The process is based on a systematic evaluation of the various skills and capabilities of an individual during his or her career path. A career assessment program can also be implemented under the supervision of various leaders and managers who are able to introduce the participant to newer experiences, allowing him to challenge the boundaries of his own perceived abilities (Badawy, 1995, Pp. 142).

Managers can also make use of CPAs (Career Preparation Assessment) surveys in order to gauge their skills. The skills covered in such surveys generally range from interpersonal skills to technological knowhow and problem solving abilities. Mostly, CPAs require an input of personal information such as resume, goals for the near future and the added ability of being redesigned as per the individual needs. One such assessment mode is the P3M3 also known as Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model. The assessment questionnaire used in this model allows for individuals, particularly managers to identify their behaviour indicators which in turn can be used as a basis for an improvement plan (Ananda, 2000, Pp. 12).

A more generic and less complicated approach to self evaluation is through a simple questionnaire. The application of this is far more easier and as compared to the above two methods which tend to introduce a certain bias that requires effective third party involvement; this method is fairly easier. The primary aim of these questionnaires; a host of which can be found online or through dedicated websites- allow the individuals to analyse and assess the dimensions of their own skills. The aim however should be focus on both organizational and social competencies of the participant.

The second method that can be used for self evaluation by managers is the DCA approach which allows managers to graphically model their skills and organization growth., Of course, the technique makes use of computer based model, where the data analysis is purely based on algorithms. While not all companies maybe able to equip their managers with these software, the good thing about DCA is that the program may also be downloaded through the world wide web and is accessible without any additional fee. The relevant details of the same, the concepts behind the algorithms and the issued results are further explained on these sites, allowing managers to venture into exciting self evaluation activities. The basis of DCA evaluation however is that manager or the participant is required to initially select a specific set of indicators against which he/she demands to be ...