Professional Development For Strategic Managers

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers

Professional Development for Strategic Managers

1.1Assessment of skills required to support strategic goals

1.2Personal skills required to achieve strategic goals

Time Management

Time management is a competency that is composed of specific practices, tools, competencies and standards that process all together to improve the quality of personal life. Time that has already passed cannot be back. Time management is a skill that helps individual in developing and increasing the efficiency and productivity over time. Time management can be learnt by setting SMART goals to assess own self, plan, schedule, delegate and prioritize activities (Allen and Adair, 2003, pp. 122).

Stress Management

Stress management is an integral skill to learn particularly for attaining success as a manager. The sources of stress are environment, people, organizational culture, and personal aspects. Other sources include family issues, economic issues, career dissatisfaction etc. Stress can be overcome by utilizing time management technique such as taking small breaks, relaxing, chatting etc. It is usually result of incapability of body to respond tough conditions. One must make an appropriate plan to overcome stress. It could be done by analyzing the stressful situation, determining the cause of stress, dealing with it adequately, relaxing for sufficient time and eliminating unimportant tasks from daily schedule of tasks. It can also be controlled by improving diet as well.

Communication skills

Good communication skills help managers in eliminating major hurdles at work and in personal life as well. It allows individual to covey the desired message in an understandable form to the receiver. The effective communication can be achieved via simple plans and control. I believe in keeping eye contact while communication, keeping a smile on face while responding to other, and tend to listen very carefully. I try to maintain appropriate decorum of my body language as well while presentation or delivering a speech.

1.3Professional skills required to attain strategic objectives

Professional skills are those skills that are required to carry out the professional tasks. These skills are utilized for incrementing the knowledge, skills, and productivity at work. The professional skills that I have learnt at work are leadership, multi tasking, planning, decision making etc.

Professional skills to attain strategic goals of ELS Technologies

ELS Technologies operates in IT industry. It was formed by indigenous IT experts. It is engaged in providing technology related services such as virus, spyware detectors, data recovery solutions, hardware and software for PC, network designs, repair etc. (, 2013, pp. 1).

Leadership skills

A good manager is one that has good leadership skills and more particularly good interpersonal skills. He/she must know how to get work done by co worker and subordinates. My co-workers and team members respect me and trust me due to my role. I manage to keep discipline and resolve conflicts among tem members. I am good communicating effective via verbal and non verbal communications. I motivate my employees by arranging recreational activities and awarding monetary incentives. I arrange meetings on weekly basis to listen complain and concerns of my colleagues and team ...