Professional Development

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Personal and Professional Development

Personal and Professional Development

Task 1 = LO1

Personal Values in health and Social Care Settings

It is a universal fact that all of the human beings have their own belief, attitudes, and values that will be beneficial for them for the process of development. Personal values play the most effective role in the personal and professional development in any organization. Moreover, there is a great impact of the personal values over the thinking, behavior, and performance of an individual. There is a great importance of personal values in the health and social care settings. A professional of health and social care settings has a major responsibility regarding the health of patients. It is required for professionals to use their personal and professional values for the betterment of health and social care of the patient. Moreover, a study was conducted that evaluated the importance of personal values in the professional life. The study further described that the use of personal values is directly associated with the better outcomes of the organization. However, it is also very necessary for the organization to give an individual the complete authority regarding his personal values. Limitations regarding the follow up of personal values will not help the organization to develop. It is extremely necessary for organizations to understand the personal values of an individual. Moreover, an individual should also make certain compromises over their personal values (Stenfors-Hayes, Kalen, Hult, Dahlgren, Hindbeck & Ponzer, 2010, pp. 148-153).

It is very important for the health and social care organizations to understand the personal values of their employees. There are various personal values of health and social care individuals that should be recognized for effective outcomes. The first personal value in the life of health and social care individual is family. Family always comes first, and care for a family is the initial personal value for every individual. It is extremely necessary for the health and social care organizations to give sudden and appropriate response to these personal values. The second most important personal value is self respect. Self respect refers to the identification and respect of an individual. An organization should always give complete priority to this personal value. It is very important for the organization to maintain the self-respect of the individual for better outcomes. An individual with damaged self respect will not work properly for the organization. The third most important personal value is religion in health and social care settings. It is also a fact that religion plays an extremely important role in the performance and behavior of any individual. An organization should give complete independence regarding his religion. If a religion is not allowing an individual for a particular work, then organization and authorities should not force him for that particular work. Another important personal value is a significant life events. There is a serious and critical value of certain life events in the sight of individuals. These life events may include the death anniversary of any beloved one, marriage anniversary, birthdays, and ...
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