Professional Development

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Professional Development

Professional Development

In the discussion below, we will analyze a vast detail of things that are related to professional development. We will discuss such details like the skills and knowledge needed to develop one's personal and professional life. We will also analyze the problems that were encountered during the work and what we learned from these problems. Furthermore, a critical appraisal f our development during the program will also be discussed in detail.

Personal and Career development

Skills Audit

The term skill audit refers to a process which helps to identify the gaps in skills in an organization (Frantz, 1999, p.151). Its outcome results in analysis that requires training which aids in identifying the places where training is required.

It is important to be able to understand the opportunity of owning personal power and responsibility and that is an essential skill which is required for my current studies. Taking up responsibility is essential. To be a responsible human being one should possess the skills of finishing work and all your obligations on time and perfectly.

Aiming to become a leader in every step in life is having the winning power, through which one can link everything to facilitate it. I think I am more of a humanitarian, philanthropist. I always feel responsible for coming forward and leading by choosing a different way to do things. A way which can lead others, teach them what is right and what is wrong.

In this real world, full of variations of perspective, having a goal to be one of the incredible people who have always been equipped for their future life and job is important. Having the skills to understand the required resources is important.

High ambitions, hard work and great efforts will provide a step ahead in a success path. To unite my desire to experience new adventures, gain knowledge about new concepts of business will help me in my current studies to explore new challenges and will keep me ready to evade them.

Being creative in whatever one does is another important skill. That is how I handle my tasks and work effectively. I like to be differentiated from the rest of the world highlighting my plus points in my current studies.

SWOT Analysis


Strengths and Weaknesses in regard to my current skills

There needs to be a code of ethics of a person's life like I have a certain code of ethics which can be explicit and at times shared as well, and it makes sure that I take up my responsibility of everything I do individually or as a group (Hill, 1997, p.46). This is a major strength that I have. I am ambitious, confident and hardworking. The three when coupled together provide an answer to all issues. I have an independent mindset that makes me handle things very well on my own. Not only has this, but according my profile, I have other professional skills too. For instance, I am equipped with architectural, constructional, marketing and property management ...
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