Professional Development

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Me and My Professional Development

Executive summary

This report aims to detail out the professional development plan. It initiates by describing the need and importance for career planning and professional development plan. Subsequently it provides details of the self analysis using various frameworks such as SOAR, SWOT and notions such as Jarvis career management paradigm shift. Based on the self analysis performed, the report provides an account of the finding relating what I have achieved so far, what I hope to achieve in the future, what are my short term and long term goals, how can I achieve my goals, what will hinder me from achieving my goals and what further developments do I need to reach my goals. In the end, the report entails a detailed action plan for my career and professional development.

Executive summaryi



SWOT Analysis2





SOAR Analysis4



Jarvis paradigm shift6

What I have achieved so far?7

What do I hope to achieve for the future?7

How will I get there?8

What may stop me?8

What further development do I need?9

My action plan9



Me and My Professional Development


I ABC is a student of XYZ university. Presently I am studying in my graduate program. In order to manage my career, I need to have a professional development plan for myself. This professional plan will facilitate me to be on the right track. A professional development plan is empowering, and motivates to attain the aspirations and dreams (Megginson & Whitaker, 2003, pp.05).

Successful career planning entails self-knowledge and self-analysis. These, sequentially, assist in the choice of long-term personal and professional ambitions. For self- analysis, the surroundings are scrutinized for threats and opportunities that obstruct or aid career progression. Forecasts must be made regarding the future settings. A careful scrutiny of a person's strengths and weaknesses happens to be the foundation for strategic career choices. These choices, then, must be assessed for conformity with personal ideals, strengths and the long-term professional objectives. After vigilant assessment of career choices, the best path is chosen. To transfer plans into action, short-term goals are decided (Weihrich, 2000, pp.10).

Following this path of career planning and professional development I have analysed myself and have chosen a career path which I want to achieve in the long term.


One of the main causes why individuals appear discontented with their professions, their vocations, their social group and their lives on the whole, is that someplace all along the way, they have missed contact with themselves. In today's speedy world that booms on competition, individuals have got so over-involved that they obtain all that they believe they wish for, only to recognize that the lone rationale they sought after it was for the reason that everybody else hunted it. Subsequently instigates that monotonous journey of gathering the ingredients of a life that appears so dejected, that they would rather carry on with their dull and pointless approaches than, in fact, trying to accept some kind of transformation in themselves or their environment (Iyer, 2011, p.n.d.).

A way to avoid one from encountering such a situation is 'self ...
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