Professional Development

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Managing & Developing Human Resources in Organizations

Managing & Developing Human Resources in Organizations

Professional Development means enhancement in the skills and learning of an individual. It leads to an overall improvement in the personality of the individual, for example improvement in Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Leading skills etc. When an individual is working in an organization, his or her aim is to develop his personality while working for the organization. It would not only be beneficial for the individual, but would also be helpful to the Organization. Professional Development helps individuals to improve their work management skills and they get more knowledge and experience with the Professional Development. This fact also helps an individual to help him to develop his worth as the person could be a good candidate for better opportunities.

Career development theories emphasize that this process begins in childhood and continues into adulthood, and is a sequence of decisions conditioned by various factors including biological, psychological, economic and social. On the subject of professional development, there are a lot of views, which relates to the characteristics including satisfaction, needs, energy expenditure, choice, decision behavior and professional life, and continuity of place and space (Ronnestad, Skovholt, 2003, pp. 5-44).

Professional Development begins with each person's willingness to achieve goals and acceptance of responsibility given by a particular organization. It can involve several steps, considering possible outcomes:

1. Obtaining higher levels of performance is the surest way to achieve promotions and recognition at work.

2. Closer relationship with decision makers who effects promotions and transfers. An employee may increase his worth by showing his performance through written reports, oral presentations, work on committees and special committees, and hours devoted to daily activities.

3. Developing a sense of loyalty to the organization

Many people show great loyalty for their organization not ...
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