Professional Competency Standards

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Professional Competency Standards

Professional Competency Standards


The nurse is one of the most popular professions in Australia. Although, the minimum requirement is high, there is a great shortage of professional nurses, for which the country offers the opportunity to those who has the right skills, so that they may find good jobs. The Australian labor market is thus, a great need for competent and qualified figures.

As far as the professional competence is concerned, it is a person's competence or his or her professional skills. The industry recognizes that the jurisdiction is the foremost expertise in situation. In the formation of hospital nursing skills, they need to create motivation, training and development, and it aimed at the enhancing professional skills of staff, generating a motivated, trained and collaborated staff, and considers that improving skills is a priority for the management of health.

In the social environment, the communication skills effectively promote objectives and goal of the human resource structure, as man or woman new guidance for personal development form the accountable staff involved and involving their management skills of hospital nursing.

Human talent in the nursing skills training, or effort referred to human activity and other factors that give various forms to this activity: knowledge experiences, motivation, vocational interests, skills, attitudes, abilities, potential, to perform the skills in the area of health.

Training of hospital nursing skills believes that without competent people, they cannot achieve the objectives. The management of human talent, skills training in nursing, must make decisions about the relationship of students and their influence on the efficiency as well as the organizations. Studies should be conducted in the nursing skills training, which includes everything related to the preparation of skills, depending on the professional future, being successful in the field and social work, is therefore, the need for competent professionals exist in that domain (Harris, 2011).

In the nursing skills training, it generates important application of Rogerian theory, because it is based on the personality and its optimal function, whose principles are basic: centralization of the process of learning at the individual, understanding and unconditional acceptance by the individual who teaches (the consideration of the human condition is critical); confidence and positive active forces of the individual, and environment of freedom, meaning that the individual feels free to recognize and develop their experiences and feelings of how they believe it should be, knowing that they will be respected as a person.

The training of professional skills in the field of nursing is a comprehensive process, whose responsibility lies both as educators and students in various dimensions that are woven into the training needs of competence, where students must put the emphasis on the commitment of each person to develop their personal skills for the performance of their professional skills.

A system of training of nursing skills includes all actions and procedures by which they discuss, plan and develop in students' new knowledge and skills to adapt to changing environmental circumstances. The skills training is an integrated set of actions aimed at increasing human capital, ...
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