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Professional Aspects Of Care

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Professional Aspects of Care

Professional Aspects of Care


A patient has been hospitalised for the management of a long term health condition. I was caring for this patient on a regular basis. The patient said to me that I am very special to him, as I care for him will full zest. Patient was ready for discharge home and wishes to give me a gift. In this paper, we will be discussing the professional, legal and ethical issues that may impact on the therapeutic relationship. The therapeutic relationship is an integral part of the therapeutic process in the health field. Most of the research on this topic has been designed and implemented by psychologists, counselors, social workers and medical doctors (Pinsof & Wynne, 1995). The paper applies a spider diagram to illustrate about the professional aspects of care.


The working definition of the therapeutic relationship is the ability of the client and therapist to work together for change. A narrower definition is that the therapeutic relationship is one in which both parties, the client and the therapist, closely work together to develop a relationship that is genuinely cooperative resulting in a commitment to the therapeutic work of the relationship based on trust and respect. The therapeutic relationship is established on a joining awareness and agreement of the relationship's goals, tasks, and bonds to achieve successful change. These goals, tasks, and bonding, as originally conceptualized, contribute to a strong relationship where the client actively participates in seeking change through the exploration of issues while not diminishing the therapeutic relationship. The quality of the therapeutic relationship is the result of the overall evaluation of the bonding and agreement on goals and tasks.

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Health care as a profession has a social mandate to contribute to the ethical of society through knowledge-based practice. Knowledge is built upon theories, and theories, together with their philosophical bases and disciplinary goals are the guiding frameworks for practice. Health and illness are considered as a complex, dynamic interaction of subjective and objective state of mind of the human condition. It tries to provide support and assistance to a person in the current life situation (Alexander 2002, pp: 5).

While caring for the sick, health care considers a person as a person formed under the influence of favourable social and cultural environment. This view of rights is a prerequisite for understanding of a person's feelings and needs in the spiritual, emotional and spiritual matters. Nursing care consists of the application of professional knowledge and experience of building trust relationships. It should be designed for the appropriate needs of the person needing care (Alexander 2002, pp: 5).

Research workers must establish their study inside the outline of the society towards equal opportunity and civil rights for individuals with disabilities, both globally and in Ireland. So research workers must study the subject matter and significances of present UN legal documents and the nationwide governmental structure pertaining to the privileges of individuals with impairments. To assure this ability research workers would attempt to focused ...
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