Product Design And Innovation

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Product design and innovation

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Product Design and Innovation


The word change has become familiar in many different organisations and has become a start of the business activity. Today, the paradigm seems to be that who does not adapt to change will die on the way. There is a consensus that change is a reality, which strongly affects indeed the only solid which can be grasped, it is certain that whatever happens today, has already changed the next day.

The overall atmosphere that surrounds this organisation is constantly moving and dynamic, requires a high adaptability of survival. They face an unstable environment of constant change. So, to survive and compete must adapt to change quickly and effectively. The changes you make will affect to some degree the power relations, roles and stability of individual satisfaction within the organisation. This process can be developed consciously, although it is very difficult to anticipate the effects of changes, it is clearly possible to choose the address you provide.

A well-conducted process of change involves achieving personal transformation, which makes man more alert, more flexible and therefore often have to initiate an analysis of internal review and self-knowledge. In this change, as a lifelong learning process, senior management must be involved from our responsiveness (Knight &Willmott, 2007).

Organizations must give more attention towards the changing global environment where economic activity is slowing down and prices of all goods and raw materials are skyrocketing. Uncertainty factor can be dealt affectively forecasting and contingency planning of resources and strategies to achieve survival in the global competitive environment (Knight & Willmott, 2007).


Organizational structure

Organization design creates a systematic framework that gives life to the organization. The organizational design and structure are both closely linked together as they provide a framework for the organization through which it carries out its business operations. In today's highly competitive global environment, companies should focus upon their organizational design to achieve effective running of business operations. This will help to define the organizational human resource structure in the organization so that smooth flow of responsibilities and communication takes place and ultimately helps in meeting the challenges successfully (Knight &Willmott, 2007).

Organizational Culture

The organization's cultures define its system and environment where business activities take place. To meet the challenges companies should developed a strong organizational culture that brings positive changes in the behaviour of employees as well effective performance results.

The organizational culture should changed from centralized to decentralization to allow its different branches around the world to take independent decisions which are necessary for the success in that particular target market. Decentralization helps the organization to reduce its rigid top down authoritative communication channels and focus upon different business strategies for different segments of the market. Moreover, the organizational culture should focuses upon Cultural Intelligence, which is the tool used to minimize the conflicts and complexities arising due to cultural differences and maximize the benefits and creativity occurring by the collaboration of different cultures. This helps to survive successfully in the global market as well as in ...
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