Procurement Strategy

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Assignment 1: Procurement Strategy

Question 1:1

The Likely Issues and Wider Implications to the Client, Stakeholders and Design Team1

Decision to Build1

Strategic Briefing2

Traditional or Design Bid Building3

Design Build4

Management Contracting4

Rationale for Selected Recommendations to Improve the Outcome for All Involved5

Question 2:7



Internal Factors8

External Factor9

Analysis of the Steps Possible to Mitigate Such Risks11

The Discipline for Global Procurement Assessment11

Monitoring & Focusing Supplier Stability12



Assignment 1: Procurement Strategy

Scenario of construction project in applying RFID technology

RFID i.e. Radio Frequency identification technology is being applied in many almost all the urban construction projects in order to provide ease and safety. It is being implemented in a variety of areas like electronic transaction, retail, security, scientific research etc. RFID provides the accurate and correct progress management in order to provide efficient project management. RFID technology has materialized to apply real time management effectively and it helps the construction industry to be efficient. It provides real time management of any kind of information in the project related to equipment management, safety management, progress management and labor management. These managements perform tasks on pipe, concrete, spools, structural steel works, curtain wall sand earthworks (Yoon, 2006).

There are some limitations of implementing the RFID technology. These limitations include standardization, cost, metal interference, frequency interference and racking people's freedom. According to the research of AMR, it is observed that ultimate standards will influence issues like: interoperability, global RFID frequencies, data formats, use of passive or active tags, communication between objects and tags and readers and tags and methods of presentation and identification. As the radio waves can travel from any medium thus, metal can cause interference in the propagation of radio waves through the medium. There is also the possibility of occurring frequency interference in case when a reader is targeting tag which is surrounded by many other tags and which are also working in the same band of frequency (Schneider, 2003).

Question 1:

The Likely Issues and Wider Implications to the Client, Stakeholders and Design Team

Construction of a project involves several stages including pre-design, design, negotiation, building, operation, delay and abandonment. Each stage requires certain practical actions during its completion, and asks for input from various participants and stakeholders. Where, participants include the contributors in project like clients, design team, supply chain, and contractors. On the other hand, stakeholders involve parties such as financial companies, insurance firms, government agencies, and some other non-direct companies that are associated with the project construction (Greenhalgh & Squires, 2011, p.4). Thus, all these participants hold great importance and play significant roles in project building as well as briefing, especially clients, stakeholders, and designers.

Decision to Build

The decision to build a project may base on various foundations, such as investment, speculative profit earnings, and owner occupation are the major drivers of any building process. Whatever the force of driving, there should be a particular perception of need for a facility, value proposition (Best & Valence, 2013, p.5). The successful project building requires the verification or sound understanding of project need. This process must originate from the value proposition of client ...
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