Process Model & Erp

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Business Process Integration and Discussion of Enterprise Wide System Issues

Business Process Integration and Discussion of Enterprise Wide System Issues

Task # 1

Process model of the Motorbike production and Cost Control

The typical process model of motorbike production and cost control includes 9 steps. The flow chart is attached in appendix. Now we discuss these steps in detail as.

Check order specification and demanded quantity

This is the first process that has to be followed for motorbike production process before starting production for any order. In this step we check the specification and date of order which mostly includes the color demanded by the customer, engine power of each unit required or type of engine required, date on which order has to be delivered and other details that are necessary for accomplishing the respective order completely and effectively. In this step after considering and retrieving all the necessary details about an order, an order specification is generated that is according to the codes of parts that are required in that order. For example if an order includes engine type A and frame type B then specification forwarded to the next step is not based on A and B, it is based on reference number assign to each part.

Checking warehouse stock

In this step, the warehouse stock and order specification is compared. If required engine and required Camshaft is available, then this available stock of engine and other required parts are utilized and jump to the step that involves assembling of these parts to manufacture motorbike for the processed order. In this step, if the required engine or parts like Camshaft is not available in stock, then the process cycle moves towards next step in which required engine and parts are produced or manufactured instead of jumping to the step of assembling.

Engine Production

Engine production is the step from which actual production starts because the above two steps are behave like a check to remove the risk of over production which is very dangerous for motorbike company as it involves lots of investment and may also increase cost of stocked unit. In this step, the required engine is manufactured which also involves a lot of processes that are required to manufacture an engine for motorbike production.

Engine testing

This is the step that is followed in all motorbike companies that are known for their quality of engines. In this step, mostly the test performs within the motorbike companies involves engine efficiency testing, fuel efficiency of engine, output vapors of engine and many test that ensures great engine quality. If an engine satisfies all test involve in this step, then it can move towards next step. If any engine cannot satisfy all results then the engine is moved towards repairing area where the faults and problems present in this engine is analyzed and removed.

Motorbike Frame and Camshaft Production

Camshaft and frame production of motorbike is the most important part of the whole manufacturing process as the whole design of the motorbike is based on this basic ...
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