Process Design Matrix

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Process Design Matrix

Process Design Matrix

Process Design Aspect



Design focal point

Customer Satisfaction

To keep operations smooth during production


Get feedback from customers

Based on the feedback received

Process design approach

Personal attention approach

Assembly line, continuous flow and batch

Process map

Quick processing

Have a quicker approach to grow production

Process Performance Measurement

From feedback

With the help of feedback

Factory location

Near enough to facilitate service

At a place where the raw material can be available without much inconvenience and cost

Facility layout

More effective for customer satisfaction

Maximize the effectiveness of the production process

Process design

Personal attention and customer oriented

Easy and effective for production


Should be considering the timely demands from costumers

Bring out the product on time without delays

Producing planning

According to the needs of the customers

Planned to meet the goals and objectives of the organization


Able to satisfy the customers

Able to produce quality products that is alignment with the customer demands



Up to the mark


Competent enough for the demands

According to the requirements on the market


Improve performance

Should be managed effectively

Executive Summary

Appropriate Design approaches for customer service at an HP store

The appropriate approach for providing customer service in an HP store would involve mainly that of personal attention approach accompanied by line items such as excellent customer service, customer service charter and an elaborate customer feedback system. These line items play an instrumental role in the Process Design Matrix for providing the required services to customers in an HP store. Customer service is an integral part of running any kind of store in a successful manner since customers are vital for them to survive in this competing market (Kirk, n.d.). Customers, these days, not only consider the quality of the product or service they are buying but also pay considerable attention to the quality of service that is extended to them by the store they are visiting ( Hence, it is required that attention is paid to these lines i.e. excellent customer service is provided to them while there is also a system that can take feedback from the customers related to the service provided so that strengths and weaknesses of the system can be known. The process design matrix focusing on personal attention approach is then fundamental.

The first line item i.e. customer service charter would require outlining the details with regard to things such as the time required in a service, people involved and other related aspects of providing different services. Secondly, providing excellent customer service would require detailing out the best practices that could be provided to the customers in order to satisfy them. In this regard, customer feedback system will provide valuable feedback that can serve to improve service. The establishment of this system is thus vital and would require planning in this regard since such a system would also enable the analysis of the Process Design Matrix to ensure if it is working according to what was expected and where there is a need for improvement. Personal attention approach is thus vital for a HP store to provide service of the kind that make them feel valued and bring along a sense of belonging to ...
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