Procedural Programming

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Procedural Programming

Procedural Programming


Software engineering is a very complex area dedicated to the design, implementation, development and maintenance of software by applying technologies and practices from computer science, project management and other disciplines, so that the systems behave reliably and efficiently, satisfying all the requirements defined. In recent years there has been a large increase of the influence of information technology on society (Ceballos., 2010).

The computers begin to play a role of increasing importance in the economy, in education, in government, in the entertainment industry. As a result, increasingly affect our way of living and seeing the world. A good example is the state of anxiety that was experienced in the last years of the twentieth century, when the shadow of the “millennium bug” caused panic in several businesses and services located throughout the world.

The responsibility for the future of these companies then fell on the computer engineers and programmers hired to prevent problems in various systems and machines, from databases of banks and companies, the cash registers and lifts (Barr et al, 2006, pp. 14-56). Procedural programming is a way too many complicated patterns in nature emerge from simple local rules. Therefore, all the information to make an animal exists in every cell of the embryo and can describe something so complex that it was made a plan would be absolutely huge. Each cell knows what to do every time depending on what's around you and it comes to give rise to adult living (Bazeley & Jackson, 2013).

In living things simple, some of these rules are in view, for example: “grows one direction and then divides into two” giving rise to branches. In normal programming that is underutilized. It is much more difficult to schedule the process to say: “Now paste this bitmap.” It is as, if we can say what we want without having to put everything in the program (Koranne, 2011). The objects and functions in the code are only in principle, as the result of program execution. It's all created in real-time. But programmers are often amateurs who engage to do with 64k (can be other limit but the “intros” this is the typical dimension) what is each one can do (Xavier, 2002, pp. 36-89).


Answer a

Programming Language

Programming traditionally differed in programming languages ??high level and low level. The difference with respect to the code used is as close to the most basic structure of the machine. For those who do not understand anything programming is as follows. The various programming languages ??(such as those derived from the Basic, C or Java) are sets of instructions to create programs. Thus, the high-level languages ??are not directly related to computer architecture. The developer of a high-level language does not need to know the characteristics of the processor as instructions and registers. These characteristics are abstracted in high level language.

They allow the programmer to open size and close windows, use services and create various ...
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