Procedural Message - Draft Version

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Procedural Message - Draft Version

Procedural Message - Draft Version


To prevent the misuse of internal emails by adopting a policy that covers an appropriate use of internal emails that applied to all the employees and to the agents that operating on the behalf of organization.


Prohibited Use

It is noted many times that company's internal email system is used for formulation and distribution of offensive and disruptive message. Similarly, offensive comments were also made on the basis of race gender, age, disabilities, and religious affiliations and even on sexual orientation. Therefore, the company adopted the policy that whoever employee receive any email that highlighted such discriminatory issues in the mail, he or she must report the matter to higher management immediately.

Personal Use

Using company's email system for personal usage is acceptable but non-work related emails should be kept separate from the work related emails. For instance, sending chain letters through company's email address or sending joke emails are strictly prohibited. Similarly, mass emailing or sending email regarding any virus information should also need to be approved from the Operation's head before sending.


In this policy, one thing need to be noted that employees shall not have any expectations of privacy when it comes to internal email system, therefore, sending and receiving email will be monitored and this could be done without giving any prior notice to the employees and the company is also not obliged to monitor all the email messages (Sans, 2006).

Internal Corporate Policy Compliance

The internal corporate policy is based on rules and policies that need to be acknowledged by every employee. The reason behind developing such a policy is to protect the company's asset from being misused, similarly, protecting employees from their unacceptable behavior by mitigating risk and liability. However, it has been witnessed in the past ...