Problem-Solving And Decision-Making

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Problem-solving and Decision-Making

Problem-solving and Decision-Making


Decision making and problem solving are two of the most difficult professional work. Almost all professionals have studied something about technical diagnosis of problems and problem solving. Now, make a decision at management level requires a different process, with some similarities. The ability to make decisions is one of the attributes that always arises when professionals talk about successful people and analyze their characteristics (Charles, 2004). Good decision makers are not born lucky, but natural conditions help. The ability to make decisions can be taught and developed, but that does not mean possible "silk bag making pig ears." Analytical processes to divide the resolution of problems in a number of steps have been used to train managers for decades. In this paper we are focusing on problem faced by organization with an analysis of where can this problem be identified as big issue than in the last recommendation will be given to solve real problem.


Successful business owners know that better results come from making better decisions. Often they are decisions based on consultations with their most successful peers, people with no axe to grind and no financial stake in the help they provide. Roch Parayre has given luminous presentation on decision making and strategies for making decisions. He is an expert of decision analysis, creativity, innovation, scenario planning, and psychology of decision making. Roch Parayre discussed how organizations are unable to get best of the opportunities because of uncertainties (Roch, 2007).

Summary of the Problem

In this part of the paper we are going to discuss problem faced by regional manager of our organization who is involved in making and distributing the product in more than 10 international health care and pharmaceutical companies. Regional manager has the responsibility to manage existing clients and also involved in getting new clients. The manager is responsible for managing various sales representatives (Tyson, 2009). Some dedicated sales representatives have been dedicated to important clients whereas other sales representatives are busy in getting new clients. There was a situation when an important customer from good health hospital complained about sales representative, the customer said that he was not doing his job effectively and was forced to get removed from the job else the client would not more business to our organization.

When the manager had internal analysis he found that it was not mistake of sales representative but mainly there were personal differences between hospital superintendent and Sales representative. Sales representative was liked by the company and had good track record with the company so it was difficult for the manager to decide what to do with this kind of situation because morale and commitment of the employees will be affected if the manager transfers of dismiss sales representative (Khanewal, 2002). On the other hand it was not possible for the manager to lose good customer (good Health Hospital) because it was a major client of the company and was giving good business. Losing the hospital was not in the option therefore hospital's ...
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