Problems That Faced The Teacher Of Physical Education In Hot Cities?

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Physical education in Hot Cities

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Problem faced by the teachers of physical education in Hot Cities?

Background of the Study

The hot countries lie between the two tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Plus you get closer to the equator the hotter it gets. Different trainings of physical education are completely fulfilled of the hard exercises by a human body. Physical educations trends are rapidly increasing in the world. People are getting involved rapidly in different physical exercises all over the world.

The concept of physical education is as broad as the concept of moral or ethical education is. Physical education is a health education and related to human body and mind. Physical education can be viewed as a broad concept that works in the development and formation of a basic dimension of the human body. It should not be considered that physical education is linked exclusively to a certain age or to the formal teaching of a subject in the education system. It represents the training on some specific points through the life of the individual, i.e. it's an important element of the concept of continuous physical education of the individual.

People in any country whether cold or hot are attracting towards the physical education trainings. Therefore trainers all around the world are also increasing. Trainers of physical education in hottest areas of the world many difficulties as per the nature of the training he is providing. Majorly the problems are being faced by the trainees and the risk of having problems to their health due to hot weather is higher. The result of which are the trainers has to take extra care for it. The care includes the selection of suitable place, time, environment, and diet plan and water usage etc. Trainer has also a challenge to eradicate the fear from the customers who are want to join but are scared of the hot weather. Here giving the required environment to the trainees is also the duty of the trainer. (American Academy, 1987, pp. 449-450)

Experts have warned in providing the outdoor trainings as people can suffer from diseases caused by excessive exposure to heat if you made an effort beyond their exercise during these exercises in the summer. The expert in the training of young people in the forces trainers to put a lot of attention as there is a possibility of injuries and diseases to occur due to heat during exercise. Providing education to people by trainers regarding warning symptoms of diseases caused by heat will be a big step towards prevention which is required. Research by the U.S National Center on fatal injuries states that most of the deaths in secondary schools resulting from diseases caused by excessive exposure to after their training. They get much sun strikes and some other illnesses related to exposure to heat through participation in the outdoor trainings. It is advised that not to do such exercises between or before the afternoon and the ...