Problems Of Nixon And Carter

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Problems of Nixon and Carter

Problems of Nixon and Carter

President Nixon

Throughout this research on Nixon and the Watergate scandal in particular, we can infer that corruption and, therefore, abuse of power, a very negative influence on credibility, popularity and respect of subsequent presidents. He also writes a chapter on black political history of the United States because no president had resigned from office before Nixon did and he did, it was necessary to have a lot of pressure by prosecutors and investigators made the media, particularly print media, which played a role in the public complaint and subsequent investigation. This press was with the support of a judge who also believed that as the level of corruption had surpassed all boundaries, and reached to the very end, and eventually led to Nixon's resignation finally (Gary, 1998).

All this, when viewed from a certain point of view, is the positive part of this whole scandal, and that the press took a more prominent role in the investigation and reporting of corrupt acts, working with Congress and the courts, led by skilled judges. "If anything good had the dark cloud of Watergate was the strength and resilience of the institutions that knocked down a President, the press, Congress, courts and public opinion awake (Gary, 1998).”

Also, as the positive case that can rescue all of this served as a reference for Nixon's successors were more cautious about the use of executive power and constitutional to prevent corruption, as well as the legislative branch holds just over actions As a security executive. "The revelations of Watergate made the conference passed several pieces of legislation aimed at controlling the executive power in the future.” For all the foregoing, we conclude that the Watergate scandal was a huge conspiracy that taught the world how great you can be in a government corruption and the possible consequences bring if it is discovered and reported on time (Erwin, 1988).

Issues Related To His Presidency

We can also conclude that by a vigorous investigation can get to the bottom of facts, uncover the real culprits and punish them which also provides an example good for the world, as it manages to reach the truth in a conspiracy it seemed, was to be disguised, for many years (Erwin, 1988).

Internationally, Nixon continued to practice the same imperialist line of previous administrations. But in relation to the Vietnam War, entrenched problem in American society, Nixon has set a priority to find a dignified exit as possible for the prestige of the country and its armed forces, for which he coined the so-called Nixon doctrine: remove progressively U.S. troops from the conflict, continue to support with money and weapons to the Saigon regime and reserve the right to intervene in the war if they thought fit, at the same time transferring all military responsibility for the conflict to the Army of South Vietnam.

But while such a phased withdrawal of American troops carried out, the conflict was becoming more radicalized and the war dragged on ...
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