Problematization Process

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Problematization Process

Problematization Process


The process of problemization is referred to the understanding the issues and problems that have occurred in the workplace in an effective manner. It involves the processes and steps from the occurrence of the problems in the workplace, understanding of the problems and the necessary steps that are required for the reduction of the causes of the problems in order to get rid of the existing issues and problems at the workplace.


I am the chief executive officer at my organization and I am responsible for managing the administrative functions within the organization. The most significant issues that are seen within the organization are related to the public administration. It is very significant that the public administration issues also include the remuneration issues based on gender biasness and discrimination which also give rise to the issues of bank accounts management, which is also one of core responsibilities (Cho, 2009). The issue that has been verified in the organization are involved in the category of gender related issues. It has been observed within the organization that there are a number of unethical instances that have occurred because of the gender related issues within the employees working in the organization. The most significant issues that were found in our organization was the misconceptions that made the gender related issues occur and increase the situation and also in turn prohibit practices in the workplace that treat specific genders in a wrong way. It was very significantly understood that it is very important to get rid of the issues that are created because of the gender discriminations and the gender misconceptions in the organizations (Karsten, 2006). The following are some of the important steps that are planned to be incorporated within the plan of reducing the gender related issues within the organization.

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