Problem Solving u06a1 Worksheet

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Problem Solving

u06a1 Worksheet

u06a1 Worksheet

Defining the Problem

The process and procedures of problem solving comprise of the utmost and foremost part of the process that is defining the problem. Clear and objective assessment of the problem is one of the pivotal keys to the effective solution and decision processes.

In the wake of terrorist activities at various schools throughout the country, our organization heading and controlling the school boards burdened the huge responsibility of numerous problems which threat the security and safety of the school children. The problem that lies ahead of us accounts for one of the basic rights of the people of United States. Schools should be like a sanctuary to the children where parents can have supreme surety of the security and safety their children should get (

Influences Present For Decision-Making and Problem Solving

In addition to the influences that generally effect mostly every decision making process, in the given problem various factors might affect any decision taken by the board or the committee (Keon & Sims, 2000). Some of the influences are listed below.

Nature of the Problem

Might be the most understood and common sense influence, but the assessment of nature and gravity of problem is also essentially and influential factor in the decisional process and proceedings.


Considering out problem at hand, the diverse environments of various schools in the districts and states might pose problem for implementing any rule or law for security. For the case in point, any rule or decision concerning the safety checks or the inspection of the student belonging might give rise to an issue for the ethical cases or questions.

Different Competencies

Decision making is a long process with identifiable and exhaustive steps. With each step and stride we face the requirement of various competencies. For the notices to be issued to schools and making them understand ...