Problem Dating Situations

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Problem Dating Situations

Problem Dating Situations


This paper intends to discuss the individual, peer and family factors that influence Urban African American Adolescents. The paper will explore different responses to the problem of dating situations. The book 'Experience Sociology' written by David Croteau and William Hoynes provide a deep insight to the topic. An article named “Individual, Peer, and Family Factors Influencing Urban African American Adolescents' Responses to Problem Dating Situations” will be assessed in the paper in accordance with the readings of the book. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the significance of analyzing the social problems Urban African American Adolescents tends to face.

Title of the Article

Individual, Peer, and Family Factors Influencing Urban African American Adolescents' Responses to Problem Dating Situations

Writers of the Article

The writers of the article are Terri N. Sullivan, Saba W. Masho, Sarah W. Helms, Elizabeth H. Erwin, Albert D. Farrell and Katherine A. Taylor.

Place of Article Publish

The article was published in United States through Springer Science and Business Media.

Year of Article Publish

The article was published online in 2011.

The Basic Message of the Article

The basic message of the article is to explain different factors which tend to impact the social lives of Urban African American Adolescents. Adolescents become way too much conscious about themselves mainly because they start dating. We live in a society where dating is a common phenomenon; therefore, the article tends to highlight the factors which can either positively or negatively impact the dating situations. Living in an extreme diverse society like United States of America makes the social lives further complicated for the minorities. The Urban African American Adolescents seems to be most affected by the individual and family factors. Further, the article seems to be highlighting the individual factors in detail which impact the dating ...
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