Probation Officers At Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Probation Department

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Probation Officers at Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Probation Department

Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Probation Department (CCJCPD)

Probation Services

The Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Probation Department (CCJCPD) employs 112 staff of whose objective is to develop and perform execution of the case examination and provide court the Pre-Dispositional Reports. The officers of the department are accountable for updating the factors and providing education to the individuals under supervision. The education includes the remedial classes and fulfilling their endless tasks in order to comply with the requirements of the juveniles so that they do not commit crimes in the future (Clark, 2004).

The leadership styles

The leadership Style adopted in the department is very authoritative along with relaxation at certain areas. However the individual have to be accountable for all the tasks they have top do and to submit a complete report to the court regarding the mental health of the criminal brought to the correctional facility along with that they have to develop programs for the juveniles so that they don't commit crime in future and involve them in community work so that can perform more well. The supervisors keep a strong check on the performance of the staff and make sure that the staff takes well care of the individuals which are brought to the department and asks them for the justification of the decisions which they have taken. There are three probation officers who are looking after 120 cases active at a particular time and they all are accountable to the single person who is the unit in charge of the department. They look after the offenders which belong to different categories and ensure that an individual spends the probation period well so that an individual can integrate himself into the society normally and can perform in the mainstream (Clark, 2004).

The organizational dynamics, the organizational culture

Strategic Planning and Grants Management

The county on the daily basis reviews the cases in county of Cuyahoga which are purely related to the criminal activities in the society. Individuals who are mentally sick are involved in the criminal activities in the society. The department has several representatives on board through their collaboration interdisciplinary expertise is obtained which is beneficial for the probation of the individuals having various disorders. With the help of experience earned over the period of time the individuals are able to provide information. The grants and management department of the department collaborates with all parts of the governments and court and operating projects. The policies of the individuals are to provide and comply with all the requirements of the staff which are responsible for providing the care to the individual. The information accumulation is checked and individuals are checked with information which have been provided to them over the period of time (Clark, 2004).


The county currently operates 2 probation units which investigate. Centre probation institutes and midway institutes are responsible for the detainment procedure of the individual who has been detailed in for serving the probation in return of crime ...