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Project Management

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Project Management

Essay Question #1


This project schedule for the Huntsville Plant has been completed. The task sequencing as well as the duration of each activity has been assigned with its predecessors. As each phase has been completed, the resource list has been loaded and aligned to each task. This report will analyze the results of the project schedule and resource allocation.

An analysis of the Gantt chart reveals that the estimated duration of each activity and when it will be completed. At this time, the estimated completion date is scheduled for July 15, 2012. This will be after the projected deadline of June 30, 2012. An analysis of the Gantt Chart also shows a number of the activities are deemed as critical tasks. We also note that during the Planning Phase, a there are quite a few tasks that are scheduled during non-working hours; we recommend rescheduling the tasks so that they occur during working time. There are also a number of potential scheduling problems with other tasks that may be responsible for delayed start date. our text, states some critical success factors when scheduling (Gido, p.179):

The estimated duration for an activity must be based on the types and quantities of resources required to perform the activity.

Activities should not be longer in estimated duration than the time intervals at which the actual progress will be reviewed and compared to planned progress.

The key to effective schedule control is to address any paths with negative or deteriorating slack values aggressively as soon as they are identified.. The amount of negative slack should determine the priority for applying these concentrated efforts.

When attempting to reduce the duration of a path of activities that has negative slack, focus on activities that are near term and on activities that have long estimated durations.

Addressing schedule problems early will minimize the negative impact on scope and budget. If a project falls too far behind, getting it back on schedule becomes more difficult and usually requires spending more money or reducing the scope or quality.

Based on these facts, the schedule should be reviewed to find areas of negative slack and the timing intervals. We recommend that the “recruit & train managers” duration estimate should be adjusted to a shorter time period. The other activities around this task should have a review of the earliest start and latest finish times as well.

our analysis also revealed there are several resources that are over-allocated. When the view is changed to the Network Diagram, we take note of the resource constraints. Based on the timeline, from April 24 - May 22, we find the following resources are over-allocated:

• FS

• CP

• PS

• AC

• PD

• AD

• PM

In order to address items, we recommend looking at the project with the shortest schedule that may have the limited resources available. With resource constraints, we find that the selection, production and building portions in the planning phase can be considered for adjustment. Also with resource leveling, we can address how to ...
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