Private Sector Partnerships

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Private Sector Partnerships

Private Sector Partnerships


The term Private sector partnership describes the private sector services which are joined with the services of the public sector for the common good of people. This may be at the times of need only or can be continues activity or service given round the year. It is a contract between the public and the private sector in which the private sector starts a project with the governmental bodies and assumes the responsibility for completion, financial and technical risks and operational issues of the project. The cost of such services are borne by the citizens using the services, while in some instances the government either partially or completely takes the responsibility of the cost of the services and only the creation and management is controlled and observed by the private and public sector jointly.


Private Sector Partnerships: Terrorism

To cater to the needs of the citizens and the management in the times of need, like disasters, terrorism, or any other emergency at the state or provincial level a National Response Plan was created to guide the measures to respond to the events of natural disaster or the acts of terrorism. It was created in recognition of the citizens at high risk or those in the special scenarios who need assistance in the times of need.

There are executive orders that were issue to strengthen the emergency response system in America with respect to the safety of citizens in need. There are many factors that are involved in the preparation of the emergency response plan like: managing the transportation for those who are affected, the system of communication, provision of utilities (like water, gas etc), managing the finances, and the hospitals.

Hospital Emergency Response Plan with respect to the Terrorist Attack.

Keeping in view the events of 9/11, a strong need was felt by the Government to cater an emergency response system for such disasters. The Hospital where I work developed a complete disaster management procedure for its own staff members, which included the allocation of medical facilities and allowances for the staff members, special facilities like conveyance and travel arrangements in case one is recognized. The policy also covers the employees who have retired from their jobs or for the families of those who died while on the payroll of the company (Bea, 2002).

In the scenarios like a terrorist attack, the responsibility of the management is to contact its officials and locate their positions. Those who are in need should immediately be brought to the hospital for medical attention. While on the other hand the hospital has to place medical camps and clinic sites wherever the areas are affected. This is by virtue of their responsibility to serve the mankind and the society they are working in. these alternate clinic sites are also designed to work as a shelter in times of need and to provide guidance and safety measures to all who are in need of it. These camps or sites are supposed to have all ...
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