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Private Policy in E-Commerce

Private Policy in E-Commerce


Threats to Internet security is the issue of growing concern. In the last decade the number of people using computers on a regular basis explodes. For quite some time now, computers and the Internet were a source of entertainment and education, and not until recently have become a means of doing business. At the same time, the Internet has also been fertile ground for fraud. The absence of global regulation, the overall shortage of qualified personnel, security holes created by bugs from software vendors, lack of understanding of the technology the average user, and easy access to the Internet from any location, makes the Internet network is tempting to commit crimes. Vulnerable areas and general security leaks include chat rooms, e-mail, browsers, and modems.


E-commerce (electronic commerce) can be defined as the use of electronic networks to simplify and expedite all phases of business process, from designing and making, to buying, selling and delivery (Furnell and Karweni, 1999). Because the Internet is a fast, intelligent, reliable, inexpensive and accessible, it is considered perhaps the best modern method for businesses to communicate with their customers and partners. Internet reaches more than 100 million customers worldwide. Since 1999, there are three million of traders on the Internet, and this number is projected to increase to 14.4 million by 2002, more than 300% increase in three years (Furnell and Karweni, 1999).

Global Trading Web Association (GTWA), the worlds' largest independent membership organization of electronic markets, announced on Nov. 12, 2001 that the activities among its electronic markets grow in an aggressive rate. When comparing January-June 2001 activities with the same period in 2000 , GTWA electronic market transactions have increased 733% from 2001 year-end projections topping 2 million. When comparing the first two quarters of 2001 the first two quarters of 2000, sales to members GTWA increased 3,110%, according to projected 2001 end Sales are expected to top 6 billion (Excite, par. 4).

How to use the Internet as a tool for doing business has increased in recent years, so has the Internet fraud and technology crimes. In September 1994, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has brought its first enforcement of the law against fraudulent online operators. In September 1999, he brought his 100 cases to stop Internet fraud. During these five years the Internet has come of age, consumers, businesses and law enforcement personnel in the market, which offers unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Today, more than two years, security experts say that the vulnerability of the system appear at a rate of six to seven per day and more than 200 each month. Compared with 1996, only five new vulnerabilities found every month (Babcock, 1).

Safety is first and last step in the creation of e-business enterprise. This is also part of the infrastructure problem that gets applause as a job well done. No one gets good when hackers are stored, but people get fired when hackers in (Lundquist, 1).

In order for the Internet should be viewed as a ...
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