Private Hearing Business Awareness

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Private Hearing Business Awareness

Private Hearing Business Awareness


The project is intended to increase the awareness of hearing department at Specsavers Sutton. Hearcare department at Specsavers was setup on March 2006. Since its settlement, the business has managed to grow at a high rate over the last 7 yrs. The hearing department is only dependant on private sales of hearing aids. The private sales of the company are high and are the only source of company's income. As there has not arrived any AQP in the area, the dependence on private sales remains high. The main reason for choosing this topic is to help analyze and develop my leadership limitations. The growing needs of business and increasing market share for the business needs that the Hearcare information must be provided to the customers and employees. With increasing awareness among the customers regarding hearing and Hearcare devices, comes high demand for Hearcare products. Moreover, a well trained workforce plays a key role in increasing the market share of a company.


The public awareness can only be increased if the company has a well trained and fully aware workforce. For spreading awareness among the employees and the customers, the Increasing awareness among the employees needs leadership skills. One of the main reasons I have chosen this topic is to help develop my leadership limitations. Like every other person, I too have certain limitations. These limitations include

Hesitate to assert my opinion when out of my area of expertise

May set objectives that others do not find challenging enough

Appear to be guarded and do not readily share information

May take too much time before taking action to resolve a problem

Come across too serious

With an intention to increase awareness in the hearing department in Sutton, I would focus to demonstrate and explain the aspects of culture, brand, finance and leadership. Every business has several aspects to care about. These aspects include, finance, leadership, culture and brand. The finance is the core of business. Profit, being the reason of existence of any business is highly related to company's finance. In addition to financial figures, the corporate culture of a company plays its role in developing the company in a long run. Culture does not develop over night. It takes companies years to develop a clear corporate culture. Once a culture has been established, it becomes very difficult to change the culture. Inappropriate organizational culture of many companies caused them to vanish from the phase of the world.

Increasing awareness and training among the employees is one of the most prominent jobs of a leader. The leadership qualities and style determines the company's goals and objectives. The project is focuses on several aspects of leadership that are important for spreading awareness in hearing department of the company. The leaders are responsible for positioning their brand in the best possible manner. Developing and maintaining a sustainable brand identity becomes essential for organizations to maintain their identity in a long-term.

Specsavers Hearcare

Specsavers Hearcare has been revolutionising the hearing care market of the United ...