Private Care Clinic And Healthcare System

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Private Care Clinic and Healthcare system

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March 2nd, 2013

Private Care Clinic and Healthcare system

The need of clinics and the local centralized facilities of primary care is an outcome of the demand of convenience by the patients of the modern busy world. The intent of this paper is to analyzes the impact of forces influencing the development of clinic, to create a comprehensive mission statement, to determine the measuring factors for the performance of the clinic, to discuss the decisions involved in the expansion of the clinic, to elaborate the role played by the clinics in the community and to discuss the impact of the public healthcare policy on the outpatient clinics.

Factors Affecting the Development of Clinic

The development of clinics and hospitals are characterized by the successfully fulfilling the expectations of the stakeholders as well as the public and the clinics are generally contended with various forces or factors. The primary factors that affected the development of tis clinic are the political, social and economic forces. The political influence on the clinic development can include the budget allocated to the healthcare system of the United States of America and the distribution of money between the states. The political forces may also be involved in the determination of funding positions, adaptation and dropping of different healthcare programs and the purchasing of the equipment (Griffin & White, 1999).

The influence of social forces on the development of the primary care clinic is also critical as they can impact the traditions, social trends and the clinical values of our community and more importantly our patients. The location of the clinic, population of the area and the provision of demanded services also contributes to the development factors. The critical challenge faced by the owner of the clinic is the effective assessment of changing cultural values and the demographical characteristics and utilize the attained data in the provision of optimal care and services.

The contribution of economic forces to the development of clinic is also significant as the nature and the direction of changing trends in the local economy greatly impacts the revenues of any clinic. The wage rate of the particular area, the net disposable income, the employment ratio and availability of local transportation all acts as economic forces that can affect the development of clinic collectively and individually as well. For generating effective revenues and in the accomplishment of the development of the clinic, these factors should be considered as their impact on the healthcare system is significant.

Mission Statement

The mission statement of our clinic should reflect our interests and our commitment effectively and express our utmost concerns for the patients as well the employees. The mission statement should also be able to define the working environment of our care clinic and the quality of the healthcare services and the facilities we offer. The mission statement should also cover the primary purpose of the clinic which is to promote the wellness to the patients and to restore their health in a swift, safe ...
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