Prison Programming

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Prison Programming

Prison Programming


The prison is a punishment prescribed in the penal code; prisons are called as the places where violent crimes, drug violations, illegal gambling, and illicit sexual behavior occur daily. The prison system is there to make the criminals realize their crimes at the mean time prison programs have been launched which is also helping criminals to search for the good that lies inside them. A prison is a place in which individuals are physically confined and deprived of their personal freedoms. The imprisonment or incarceration is a legal penalty that may be imposed by the court after a crime. A person suspected of a crime may be remanded in custody pending his trial. People in prison are called prisoners. The main purpose of prison is to protect society from dangerous elements. (Burke, & Vivian, 2001)


Prison Programming

Prison programming is a well recognized that the level of education, skills and work experience of prisoners are below the average for the general population. In a survey conducted it was analyzed that only 52 % of all federal and state prisoners had the high school diploma. There is difference between general and prison population in level of education, this seems to be determined initially by the mixture of age, racial characteristic and sex unique to prison. for example: many prisoners are very young, there are minorities and mostly individuals who has been dropout from the high school are in greater percentage as compared to the ones who has college experience. The skills and work experience of the individuals in the prison is less if we compare it with the general population. America has put much emphasis on the employment training and education and has given importance to prison programming because it result in improvement upon release. Despite the emphasis on the above mentioned things there is decline in the program participation. The population of the prison is growing on rapid basis because of which funding programs are also declining. (Macdonald, 2001)

Origin of American Prison Programming

Between 1800 and 1970, the stepwise change in the Penal beliefs of America took place. The concept of restructuring the detainee through the fiendish and brutal detention started bowing to the human comprehending of the rudimentary human needs. This restructure has directed to an important boost in programming in prison in 1950 and 1960. Although the argument about the effectiveness of the program proceeded throughout the years from 1970 to 1980, the general agreement in the 1990's was that programs were needed. (Brewster, 2002)

Types of Prison Programming

Educational programming

This is a type of programming consists of general education or high school degree (GED), post secondary classes and mainly the basic adult education classes (ABE)

Vocational training

This is type of programming that includes development of skill in certain type of industry or trade like, auto detailing, graphic printing/ arts, masonry, welding, carpentry and electronic serving.

Prison industries programming

This type of programming includes particular industry work. Which in include prison based industries for example's laundry, food services and license plate manufacturing further ...
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