Principles Of Marketing

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Application of Marketing Principles

Application of Marketing Principles


This paper discusses the basic principles of marketing for attaining competency in the market, which is focussed consumer behaviour and satisfaction with the provided services and products. At first the paper describes the buying behaviour of consumers towards laptop. It carries their decision making process, including the projected motivation and social influences (Jansson-Boyd, 2010 pp. 69-81).

The paper then discusses the segment and target marketing of Blackberry, which is thought to be restricted to professional use only; but it do provide features that are attractive to all the age groups. Still, the market segmentation of Blackberry lacks in the implying of the best operating systems in their sets that provide socializing easily to every user, but Blackberry has always been the best emailing mobile set for professionals in their business environment.


At first, the consumer's psychology needs to be explained in this regard. It is now a separate study that tends to focus on understanding the thoughts, values, beliefs, emotions and perceptions of consumers. It especially aims to adopt those integral parts which make the consumers establish their buying decisions. In the actual scene the understanding of the decision-making process, projected motivation and social influence leads to setting appropriate consumer based strategies (Jansson-Boyd, 2010 pp. 69-81).

Laptop has become an imperative need of consumers in the market. It is not restricted to the business community or students anymore. The companies are fabricating competitive features in their laptops to capture the attention of the consumers. They do not put in the characteristics just because they think is good for the product. They explore the operating markets and establish extensive market research to find the needs of consumers to target them in their products. For instance, Dell has been making customized laptop and computers for their customers that increase his market value. Sony Vio has introduced colourful laptops, which have become quite popular among girls. These variations in the existing brands come after the research in the market. This is done to counter the prevailing competition in the market. There are factors which make up the mindset of the consumer to buy a certain brand and product (Azar, 2011 pp. 176-185).

Stages of Decision Making Process

Problem Recognition

This is the first stage in the decision-making process. In this, consumer is encountered with a state that compels him to compare his desires to his current condition. He identifies his need to be fulfilled in the later stages. In doing so he may compare himself to his family, friends and society. His desire may be a need or his want (Johnson & Weber, 2009 pp. 50-53).

Information Search

In this stage, he tends to find ways to meet his desire. He may discuss in his social circle and establish purposeful observation. He can restrict his activities to collect maximum information about the available options through which he can fulfil his need (Johnson & Weber, 2009 pp. 50-53).

Evaluation of Alternatives

This stage is quite interesting in which a consumer apply his own evaluation ...
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