Principles Of Management

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Principles of Management

Principles of Management


Human Resource Management is defined as the aptitude, skills, expertise, knowledge, and talent of an individual working in an organization. It is the function of an organization, which has the ability to create diversification in the organizations environment. It is said that human resource management is a dynamic field, which has the ability to adapt the understanding patterns of the practice of human resource management and system has on the performances within the organization.

However, defining the concept in its true sense is that, Human Resource Management has the focus on its practices within the organization, which develops resources, within the organization, which in addition grew with the capability of creating competitive edge through its best human resource.

It is said that without an effective human resource management, that organization cannot create its competitive edge, in addition to it, the organization is also deprived of achieving the ultimate goal, through its performances. However, by proper practicing the human resource management in any organization, it is very obvious that the organization will have its competitive edge through its people, with all the expertise, talents, and skill, which are needed the most to accomplish any complex task. Thus, that fact is the human resource management has the capability to contribute in the performance of the organization, and its business strategies by helping the firm to develop high performance work practices.

Role of a Manager

The HR managers have enthusiastic function in the productive designing and implementation of the principles and conclusions that run in melody with the enterprise changes (Baird, 1988). They should proceed as strategic partners and be proactive in their function than meager reactive, passive spectators. According to Delery, (1988), the HR managers should realize how far their conclusions assist to enterprise excess integrating human competency and presentation. Managers are the very important person in any organization, and moreover it is the function of Managers to double-check if the strategy fits in between Human Resource System along with the rest of the function of the enterprise.

Manager serves as the leader in any firm, who does not just dream, but work for the development and sharing with his family. It is also one of the main characteristics of exemplary managers. By taking the time to listen, a manager can hear what other members want to include in the vision, and establish a truly shared destiny. Managers inspire a shared vision, and his job is also to link his team members to the shared goals, thus this strategy could help in the linking of the employees to the goals and objective in order to work together for the shared goal. Managers see beyond the normal, but their vision becomes possible accomplished, only when they tend to be expressed in clear and concrete terms. It's like the architect who makes drawings and the design engineer who materializes his dream by building. These managers see opportunity everywhere, especially in their team members. The choice of a certain individual to be perceived as ...
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