Principles Of Economics

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Principles of Economics

Principles of Economics

Economist would approach the issue of alcohol abuse

An economist would approach the issue of alcohol abuse by using the economic analysis that could positively affect the humans. Well human beings are "balanced negotiator" and their resolution for the trouble of alcohol abuse will directly related benefits and cost of being drunk. These two factors are co-related with each other either by lessening the advantage or raising the costs. These factors are not used in terms of money, but alleviate of access, communal approval and other factors also included. The economical solution for solving this approach area s follows (Young,1993).

Dropping cost of action:- Management financial support on organizations level and communal workers- growing accessibility and alertness of probable help by promoting campaign.Escalating cost:- greater excise charges on alcohol users- ban of use alcohol in public areas- austere law on alcohol acquire and helping to recognized alcoholic-etc

Elements of Economic way of Thinking

Through this alcohol abuse, it negatively effects the environment and many things are affected due to this crime.

Make supposition

Thoughts at the edge


Ceteris Parabis

These are the four basic thinking which can help the economist to analyze the solutions of the alcohol abuse.

Prescription drugs

The prescription drugs affect the demand and supply of other product and services in the country by have a potential outlook on the economic analysis. Suppose for selling a product and services in the country we have to look the certain measures on the relationship between demand and supply by using the potential aspects which are as follows; (

If demand of the drug increases and the supply of the prescribed drug remain constant, then it escorts the greater stability in between quantity and price.

If demand of the drug reduced,, but supply remains constant, then it escorts the lesser stability between quantity and price.

If supply ...
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