Principles Of Design

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Principles of Design

Principles of Design


Design Principle in constructing and planning of city is the most essential planning for the development of any nation. There lie various techniques and principles of designing cities in which urban design is the most common discipline which ensures feasibility in city infrastructure. Urban design focuses on the treatment of the city public spaces, that is, the totality of spaces used freely by man in his everyday struggle townsman, and up to this entity: the avenues, squares, parks, public infrastructure and some semi owned spaces such as the facades of buildings and gardens. This discipline also ensures the viability of the infrastructure of cities.

As urban design discipline has strong leaders in urban planning and landscape architecture. However, their social conditioning, political and financial makes it much more extensive in its mission. Urban design involves environmental and social studies, as urban is the result of a whole complex and dynamic process of urban development. Within the urban design plays a fundamental role urban planning. This study is the analysis of design planning principles which are used in city designing and later describe any city infrastructure that how it follows the design principles.


Since ancient urban design has been a key element linked to the evolution of man, and there have been many theories and justifications that around issues of design, planning and development in the history of architecture and urbanism accumulates.


Urban planning, meanwhile, is a real and effective instrument of control and regulation of the transformation and development of the city. Many of the environmental problems and social urban cities suffer are the result of ineffective or inefficient urban planning.

For some time the action planning in industrialized countries has more to do with the transformation of the existing city on itself. Since the big cities have ceased to grow and expand to the frenzied pace that had upset the age-old structure urban planning does not deal with most of the growth control but to promote development that you want to make your city 'sustainable' and to support cities in the new challenges of long-distance competition .

I think the urban project must now be placed firmly between those few modes of action planning which can respond to new issues of the contemporary city. Not only the need, finally recognized that urban space is imposed “as design content in itself”, but to a more radical need to give meaning and effect to the action planning in the "contemporary city."

In the last decade the concrete achievements obtained through urban projects in large and medium-sized European cities have become more and more numerous and significant. The reflection on them has generated a rather large literature now. Nevertheless, the work to clarify the nature, purpose and methods of the urban project has just started. In these notes I will limit myself to some considerations about what cannot be considered 'urban design' and propose five "principles" that could configure a sort of ideal type.

Two notable examples may help to ...
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