Principles Of Counseling

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Principles of Counseling

Principles of Counseling

Question 1 - Consultation in Counseling

Describe the different levels of consultation in regard to their purposes and their effectiveness?

Consultation is defined as an interaction among two or more individuals (consultant and teacher, consultant and individuals and teacher and family member etc.) to consult and collaborate as a team within the professional context to demonstrate behavioral and learning needs, and to plan, implement and assess programs for serving those requisites.


The first level is described as the collaboration of professional counselors with different individuals for e.g. students, teachers and parents in a school setting. Consultation's principal objective is to authorize those occupied to help students in the parts of social/individual, career or educational development

Consultation whether informal or formal, is a significant part in the work of school counselors. Consultation provides useful assistance to the counseling procedure, incorporating knowledge concerning learners and their families, and collaboration and assistance skills as well.

There are numerous different functions that the counselor might play in consultation like advocate, consultant, facilitator, collaborator, and negotiator.


Plans are created or changed after contacting with individuals or administrators in a school setting. This does not stop the management in developing plans whereas the process of initial consultation is under way. Rational information is provided and individuals are provided with an opportunity to contribute in the process.

Consultation is a process of participation. Consultation might give information to the counselor about the family/student. In different situations, particular participants will accept info from the counselor. Efficiency and value is increased with the help of this method of the collaboration between different gatherings. When employing in consultation, it is significant to put up with the ACA /ASCA Ethical Standards all the times.


Consultation is a voluntary relationship which the help seeker and help giver share in solving the problem. Effective consultation is based on social relationships in a number of settings. It not always takes place in a formal setting.

Developing relationships with teachers, peers, parents, staff, and students will assist set up reliability. All interactions at school effect how the school counselor is perceived as a consultant.

Active skills of counseling facilitate the process of consultation in counseling. Regardless of whether the qualified counselor of the school is the facilitator, their job is to observe the group procedure to make sure that participants persist to feel safe and the procedure remains productive. The professional counselor can deal out with possible ...
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