Principles For Church Growth

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Principles for Church Growth

Principles for Church Growth


We do not find a detailed comment in bible related to the development of a church, However, the basics of growth of church is dependent on the understanding of words of Jesus, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16.18). It is affirmed by Paul that the basic of the church is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ heads the church (Ephesians 1.18-23), and its life (John 10.10). The term “Development is related to this belief. On the other hand, there are several kinds of development and some of the growths are not related to numbers.


It is not important for church to beat with life while the worshippers or members increase in quantity. The growth of church takes place even in case the members or the presence of people worshiping does not change. The growth of church takes place when worshipers increase their knowledge and follow the commands of Jesus Christ in their daily life practices. In this way the growth of church takes place at individual and collective level as well. Development takes place in reality. Just like the growth of the body, the church contains those members who spread word of mouth, it also has some people who irrigate and serve their spiritual gifts for the advantages and growth of the local church. On the other hand, it is important to make observation that only God is able to provide growth to a church (1 Corinthians 3.7). Those who are involved in sowing and those who take part in irrigating will get the rewards as per their ministry (1 Corinthians 3.8).

However, a church requires to maintain an equilibrium between sowing and watering for the church to have a healthy growth. Thus, it is significant for a believer to get to know their spiritual rewards that they may serve for GOD. If there is no equilibrium in sowing and watering, the church will not get the growth as per the will of God. As an outcome, the believers of Christianity are required to be consistent in following the Holy spirit. The God's power works for the people sowing and watering and those people grow and develop. Moreover, the portrayal of living and growth of church is found in Acts 2.42-47, where the worshipers dedicated their lives to the teachings and fellowship of apostle, the breaking of bread and in praying. They served every one and went for preaching people who wanted to know about God, for sake of Lord. Their number was increased. If we also practice the same, the church will develop spiritually, whether or not it experiences a quantitative growth.

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