Principle Vs Politics

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Principle Vs politics

Principle Vs politics

The principle of "fundamental, basic or general truth on which other truths depend." Thus the principle of abstraction which subsumes a large number of concrete. It is only with the help of principles that could be putting their long-term goals and assess specific options at any time. This is only the principles that allow us to plan for their future, and to achieve it. In other words, the principle of law or rules that need to be, or usually, to be followed, or it may be desirable to follow, or the inevitable consequence of something, such as the laws of nature, or so that the device is built.

The present state of our culture can be judged by the degree to which the principles have disappeared from public discussion, to reduce our cultural atmosphere of the dirty, petty disputes futility of the family, that is traded on the trivial concrete, while all the betrayal of his core values, has sold its future for some false advantage of the moment.

To make it more grotesque, that bargaining is accompanied by an aura of hysterical self-righteousness, in the form of belligerent statements that need to compromise with anybody on anything (except on the principle that it is necessary compromise) and panicky calls for "practical".

But there is nothing impractical, as the so-called "practical" man. His point of view of usability can best be illustrated as follows: if you want to drive from New York to Los Angeles, it is "impractical" and "idealistic" and consult the map to choose the best way to get there, you'll get there much faster, if you're just starting out driving at random, turning (or cutting) from any angle, from any road in any direction, after nothing but the mood and the weather moment. The fact, of course, that this method, you will never go there. But while most people recognize this fact with respect during the trip, they are not as perceptive in connection with the course of their lives and their country.

In contrast, a term politics is derived from the Greek term polis, which means "city-state, which was a typical form of political community in ancient Greece. We still use the term politics, though, with the exception of Singapore and, possibly, the Vatican, there are no city-state in the modern world. Instead, the world is divided into states, which are organized in accordance with variables that include ethnicity (eg, Japan, Israel), the liberal-democratic political principles (eg, United States of America), the communist political principles (eg, China), religion (eg, Iran), or a combination of ethnic and political principle (for example, most European countries). A general term for these organizational principles is the nation-state, which differs from other political forms, including the empire (eg Roman Empire) or tribe (eg, blood, Navajo, Tutsi). Despite these numerous possibilities of political organization, and despite the fact that the state, not politics, is the dominant form of political organization in the world today, we continue to use the term to ...
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