Principle Of Hsc Practice

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Principle of HSC Practice

Principle of HSC Practice


LO1 Understand how principles of support are implemented in health and social care practice

1.1 Principles of support and care are used to clear the idea that people are important and their health is the first priority to address at health care units. Health care units are supposed to work for the betterment of the patients and with the greater perspective for the advantage of the entire society. Health care units or organizations are involved in developing few principles in accordance with the basic views to provide their services. They portray the picture of the entire healthy society. Their mission is to give the overall health care facilitates and services to the patients regardless of patient's ethnic, social, cultural, religious or race background. Health care units or organizations are required to work in a way that they should see patient as a human being first before focusing on the illness.

Support principles tell us that the mental illness is having more importance than the physical illness. Patients need care in a peaceful and calm environment. Mental issues need more care than physical problems and mental illness mostly has environmental triggers. Health and social care practice has to follow these principles in order to provide a comprehensive health care service to the individuals. Health care units must understand the importance of the medical illness. The approach of determining the factors which facilitate the health conditions are important to address. A good health care unit must understand the significance of traumatic events which are contributing to the mental illness. The societal factors are needed to include in order analyzing the situational facts of creating medical illnesses.

1.2 Health care units must understand the sat principles and act to follow them. Organizations must be established and structured to deliver the better services in health care industry. These organizations need to ensure the aims and objectives of coping skills. Skills which are required to provide great services for the patients, needed to implement in throughout the organization. Health care organizations are required to implement such plans which are the core beneficiary for the individuals. Nurses must be trained to understand the concreteness of the principles. Nurses must be able to deliver and practice these principles effectively. Organizations strengthen by sharing experiences in such a way that people share their exposure with organization and tell their stories of failure and success. It is very essential and advantageous to give key points and expertise at workplace to ensure better services at hospitals. Experiences are always good for the new practitioners at any point of time, by these experiences they come to know the real life examples and alter their approaches accordingly and they become able to provide good, appreciative approaches.

Organizations must be designed to avoid drawbacks and stigmas within the organizations. Discrimination must be eliminated at any workplace. It has great influence of having discrimination, biasness at any organization but the reasons to avoid are far more important at ...
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