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Prince 2

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Questions on the PRojects IN Controlled Environments 2 (PRINCE2)

Questions on the PRojects IN Controlled Environments 2 (PRINCE2)

Q1. Quality Theme in PRINCE 2 and the Controlling Stage

PRINCE 2 is a common, process-oriented and freely scalable project management methodology. PRINCE 2 is a structured framework/framework for the project and give the members of the project management team based on the process model specific recommendations for each project phase (Afshari & Jones, 2007; Hughes & Marshall, 2009). The emergence and development of the method is done after the best-practice -thoughts. PRINCE 2 deals with the management, control and organization of a project (Marshal & Hughes, 2008; Wilkins, 2009). New features include the following topics (knowledge areas) are covered in the project context: Business Case (business justification), organization (stakeholder management, roles and responsibilities, communication), quality (requirements management, specification), plans (product-based planning, scheduling, various levels of planning and Unless explicitly stated in the listed post the latest version of PRINCE 2 standards described (Vais, Miron, Pedersen & Folke, 2006; Jones, 2005).

A successful project is in accordance with PRINCE 2 thus given only if in addition to the correct standards met time, cost and quality tolerances and in particular the expected benefit was achieved (usually after the project) (Teltscher, 2000; Gist & Langley, 2007). As the project manager himself only a limited influence on this variable has and he after the project may no longer be available for evaluation of project success, get other stakeholders, in particular from the user's employer or company as part of the Steering Committee, a supporting role in a PRINCE 2 Project (Karamitsos, Apostolopoulos & Al Bugami, 2010; Afshari & Jones, 2007). The Project Management with PRINCE 2 follows a process-based approach. A process is a structured sequence of activities, which is directed to achieving a certain goal. In one process, a defined input is transformed into a defined output (Hughes & Marshall, 2009; Marshal & Hughes, 2008). The seven PRINCE 2 processes in defining the necessary for the successful management, managing and delivering a project activities.

The purpose of the process complete a project is to define a point at which the decrease in the project final product is confirmed, and to recognize that defined in the original project initiation documentation goals (or approved changes to these goals) have been achieved or the Project no further results can be obtained (Wilkins, 2009; Vais, Miron, Pedersen & Folke, 2006). Regardless of whether the project is canceled or completed as planned, the process of completing a project is always the last to be executed by the project manager process. Here takes place the final handover of the project final product, the project manager will (if not already) on the experience of the whole project, he will see to it that any outstanding open issues can be taken from the line and speaks ultimately to the Steering Committee's recommendation made to close the project (Jones, 2005; Teltscher, 2000). After the trial, Closing a Project is the last time the process Directing a Project executed ...
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