Primark And Csr

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Primark and CSR


Primark is one of the leading fashion brands which is dealing with its productions worldwide. There are various operations and functions that Primark is operating and there lay various situations while dealing with global businesses in which Corporate Social Responsibilities are very crucial to deal with. Primark is one of those companies which have practiced such operations that totally follow the CSR in societies globally. Since the company has designed well and effective corporate social designs and planning programs which is one reason for the company in growing its business worldwide. The operations that Primark conduct give high priority to the employees' protection and care that they can get from job while keeping in mind the core reasons which can not harm the public and environment. The company has followed well all of its CSR responsibilities that are discussed in this study.Primark and CSR


Primark is one of those leading and known brands that deals in fashion trends and sells clothing for children, men and women. It also includes home goods of clothing at the best price. Therefore, it is a well known mark where all its collections are highly sought after by the outstanding value of their clothes model (Primark website; The collection of Primark clothes can be easily available from any store around the country. It can also find the brands in various other European countries. Primark clothes, gets ahead of trends, and the Primark clothing catalogue each season, Primark's can acquire Primark's preferred model the best price. For buying the clothes from Primark, one just need to visit their website, check out their latest models in the defined catalogues and find out the closest store online (Primark website;

Market Place

In 1973, the number of stores had reached 18 in Ireland and Primark began trading in Britain with four department stores. Only a year later opened the first stores in Derby and Bristol. Over the next 10 years, 18 stores were included to the list in the UK, along with other 9 in Ireland, reaching a total of 22 stores in the two countries. Also in 1984, the first acquisition took place in Ireland to purchase multiple big chain stores Woolworth Stores. In 1971, the first store outside Dublin was opened in Cork and later that same year, 11 more stores opened and 1 of them in Northern Ireland (Cunningham, 2012, Pp. 169-179).

Primark focuses on operational excellence encompasses construction the capability to replace centre products on demand in order that their retailers can function with less inventory (Arnold, 2009, n.d). They proceeded to find modes to decrease complexity, so as to convey their products to market much quicker and more efficiently. Primark have habitually endeavoured to conceive an 'easy to find and so straightforward to buy' image. In 2001 they upgraded the production of their products in more than 1,500 doorways at accounts.

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