Pride And Prejudice

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Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

Question no 1

This book according to be is thought to be conservative. The purpose of Jane Austen's writing of Pride and Prejudice was to share her views on the importance of marital bliss and the class snobbery. Austen's views for her time were exceedingly revolutionary. She had this conviction that marriages should not be the result of superficial and shallow feelings, or a mean of climbing the social ladder. Austen was strictly against the thought of social class difference in a marriage; she believed that love should be the sole reason for any marriage. The position of a reader towards Elizabeth is of compassion we not feel anything but empathy for her and totally agree with her attitude towards happy marriage that only marriage based on love can survive. With this, we realized that heroine could only have been happy if she had married for the precise reasons. Pride and Prejudice's opening sentence draws attention to the significance of marriage in the existing world of the novel. This opening sentence illustrates the social climbing as the solitary reason of marriage (Rogers, 2008).

Question no 2

I would have liked the book if Jane was its heroine. No, I have not seen a movie version in which the woman playing Jane as Austen imagined her, truly more beautiful than the woman playing Elizabeth. As observed in the novel, Fitzwilliam Darcy did not like first Elizabeth Bennet as he saw her at the ball and refused to dance with her. This was the same Darcy who at first was not even slightly attracted towards Elizabeth, but after knowing her, he was so passionately drawn towards her that he decided to live the rest of his life with Elizabeth (Fergus, 2008).

Question no 3

In Emma and Pride and Prejudice, the central characters of these books Jane have used her own name. This represents that the concept of both the stories related to Jane. It can be due to her experiences in life and their impact on her life. Both of these characters represent Jane's character as beautiful women. She has used her characters to express the problems of loveless marriages. The readers of Jane Austen guide in such a manner by her that they are in agreement with her view of a happy marriage. (Fox, Robert, 2009).

Question no 4

The marriages of Mr. Collins with Charlotte Lucas and Wickham and Lydia signify failed marriages based on superficial and practical reasons. Darcy and Elizabeth's relationship and marriage are juxtaposition from the rest of couples. It shows that love has the power to conquer all differences and financial hindrances. Austen has shown through the devotion of Elizabeth and Darcy that love prevails all. Yes, I believe that marriage is still an institution of social regulation. “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”. It does not mention anything about the presence of love in marriage, but it only shows marriage ...
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