Prevention Programs Interview

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Prevention Programs Interview

[Name of Interview]Prevention Programs Interview


Adolescents and teenagers are one amongst the most extensive demographics of people getting hooked with and experimenting with drugs. A number of programs have been set out for the purpose of helping in solving the problem of teen drug, and several groups have prudently focused on the prevention. Drug Abuse Resistance Education program, which is perhaps the most well known program for the prevention of drug abuse, has been striving to edify the young individuals regarding the hazards and perils associated to the use of drugs for quite a number of years now. An interview has been conducted with the administrator of US Department of Education regarding the primary function of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program, the clients served by DARE, the particular aspects of the program, and the effectiveness in treatment or prevention of drug use and abuse. This paper presents the analysis of that interview and also links the findings of that interview with the pertinent theory, that is, the cognitive behavioral theory.

Interview Analysis

Drug Abuse Resistance Education or DARE is a drug prevention program which was founded with the objective of putting off the use of drugs by the young individuals, responding to the uncontrolled outbreak of drugs taking place in the United States in the initial years of the 1980s. The program had been founded on the hypothesis that because seventy to ninety percent of the total number of crimes perpetrated in the United States were related to drugs, targeting young individuals, before their puberty, and edifying them regarding the legal ramifications and hazards of drug abuse would avert them from being involved in such a lifestyle and result in a decline in experimenting with drugs in their teen ages (Eischens,, 2004).

DARE operates on the principle that the only long ranging solution to drug abuse is prevention and that targeting young individuals prior to the occurrence of the issue would trim down if not completely eliminated the issue. In addition to this, DARE was planned out with the objective to achieve a number of positive secondary impacts, like trimming down gang membership, vicious crimes amongst young individuals and enhancing self worth by equipping the youngsters with the skills required to defy peer pressure and coercion for engaging in such activities. The major aim of DARE is to assist the students in recognizing as well as resisting the pressures for experimenting with drugs like inhalants, marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol or for engaging in violent acts (Hallfors & Godette, 2002).

The Dare program which is a joint foundation of the Los Angeles School District and the Los Angeles Police Department operates for teaching the young individuals regarding the significance of refraining from the use of drugs like tobacco and alcohol, while enhancing their self confidence and diminishing conventionality to use drugs because of peer pressure at the same time. Also, DARE program works to avert the involvement of the adolescents in different violent acts like joining gangs. The major element associated to the ...
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