Prevention Of Hypertension

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Prevention of Hypertension

Prevention of Hypertension


The main causes of hypertension are being inactive and overweight. For example, one kilogram of excess weight causes increased blood pressure by 2 mm Hg. Great importance in the occurrence of hypertension is excessive use of salt. Excess salt in the diet increases the risk of hypertension from 10-11 times. Kidneys may take not more than 3 - 4 grams of salt a day. Exceeding this norm would be like to maximize the excretory function of the skin, and this is only possible with contrasting water treatments, steam baths or saunas, exercise and good nutrition. Increased pressure contributes to excessive consumption of animal protein. Therefore, it is very important in to reduce the proportion of animal protein and increase the quantity of raw fruits and vegetables in diet in case of hypertension. Studies have shown that blood pressure is much lower in people who consume fruits and vegetables than in those who consume animal foods (Carlson, 2008).

Prevention of hypertension using exercise Brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, any exercise in the air reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood, the excess of which leads to a narrowing of blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. Consuming natural food, drinking plain water of good quality up to 3 liters per day, therapeutic fasting, water and air contrast procedure, a positive attitude - all this is an effective means of normalizing blood pressure without drugs and without even jogging or swimming. Many people from various professions like doctors, athletes, coaches, and healers. Among them, many are thoughtful, intelligent professionals who understood the essence and the fruitfulness of the health system. But I am struck by the ambitiousness of the majority of people who cannot change their habits, stereotypes, even when they know that the old methods helping the sick organism is impossible (Bednash, 2001).


It is difficult to believe that the Japanese professor has done scrupulous work for the patients of hypertension, bringing together the rational six rules, all that replace a lot of different recipes and created a holistic, integrated, scientifically sound theory and methodology, which is suitable for either sex, age, any persons, regardless of social, religious and any other frills (, (2011). You can still see that the doctors, pharmacologists, and psychics do not want to lose income. But it is hard to understand those who do not want to try to save themselves, their children and friends. And very often it is already too late. Nature has managed to abandon the violators of its laws since very long. It is better that before going for the treatment of any disease, you should find out the real reason which gave rise to it at first. If the disease is a functional one, then it must be one approach to curing it. But if the disease is a consequence of another disease (e.g. hypertension on the basis of kidney disease), then one must, above all, eliminate the causes of the kidney disease (Rossi, ...
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